by Vince Wright | January 24, 2021 | 10:30 am

Announcement and February 2021 Poll II – Vote for Future Reviews

Fellow Bereans, I have a quick announcement.  I made a few changes to the top navigation menu: Added the “statement of faith” as part of the about page as a link.  Not many people were

226 words (1 min)
by Vince Wright | November 15, 2020 | 10:30 am

Announcement – No Polls Until December 6th

Thank you for voting on my second Christmas 2020 poll!  Chris Tomlin’s Noel and Matt Maher’s Born on That Day pulled ahead, securing the last available Christmas spots for 2020. I’m taking a short

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by Vince Wright | November 5, 2020 | 11:59 am

Announcement – The Berean Test Featured on Theology of Music Podcast

Fellow Bereans! I forgot to include another announcement in yesterday’s post.  My apologies! I was recently featured in Worship Pastor Joel’s Theology of Music podcast on October 30th, 2020.  The episode is titled “Lord

183 words (1 min)
by Vince Wright | November 4, 2020 | 8:00 am

Announcement – Website Converting to LLC and Dropping Amazon Affiliates Program

Fellow Bereans! Thank you for your continual prayers, feedback, and telling others about The Berean Test.  It’s thanks to you that The Berean Test more than doubled in users and page views since last

193 words (1 min)
by Vince Wright | October 10, 2020 | 11:59 pm

Announcement – Slight Change to Hillsong and Elevation Worship Poll Date

Fellow Bereans, I just wanted to let everyone know that I moved up the upcoming Hillsong and Elevation Worship polls to October 18th.  I realized that both polls conflict with my Christmas schedule and

101 words (Less than a minute)
by Vince Wright | September 30, 2020 | 1:00 pm

Announcement – 2020 Endgame Plans

Fellow Bereans, 2020 has been a frustrating year.  Concerts were canceled.  Schools went virtual.  Loved ones were lost.  Yet, we still have the hope that is Jesus!  He is with us.  He loves us. 

330 words (1 min)
by Vince Wright | July 12, 2020 | 10:30 am

Polling Queue Announcement and August 2020 Poll II

I have several announcements to share about the polling queue. I want to say thank you to everyone who submitted songs during these past two and a half years.  When I began this website,

574 words (2 min)
by Vince Wright | May 10, 2020 | 12:30 pm

June 2020 Polls, Polling Changes, and Slight Update to Reviews

Fellow Bereans, I have a few announcements to share. First, thank you for reading my reviews, commenting, submitting song reviews, voting in the polls, telling others about my work, challenging me on my opinions,

516 words (2 min)
by Vince Wright | November 6, 2019 | 1:30 pm

Announcements – Finalized Upcoming Reviews Changes and New November Poll

Loyal Berean Test viewers, After much thought and some discussion regarding my thoughts on the current Upcoming Reviews process, I decided to follow through with my plan, with some modifications. Starting in January 2020, any

503 words (2 min)
by Vince Wright | October 27, 2019 | 1:00 pm

Announcement – Potential Upcoming Reviews Changes

Loyal Berean Test viewers, Since January 1, 2019, the number of monthly visitors increased by about 150% and monthly pageviews approaching 200%. I am ecstatic to see so much interest in my work and

272 words (1 min)