Photo by Scott Graham
Fellow Bereans,
I goofed. There is a “democracy” setting for polling that allows people to write in an additional entry so that others can vote for it. Normally I have this turned off. For the September 2024 Round 2 Poll B, I accidently left it on. The results were interesting! Three new songs were added:
- Brandon Lake – That’s Who I Praise
- New Name Written Down in Glory – Charity Gayle
- People Like Us
The first two took the first and third spots during this poll! This tells me that you really want me to review these. Thus, I am replacing the two “Extra Songs” for late September and early October with these two.
It also gave me an idea. I would appreciate feedback.
Rather than using the traditional polling methodology, I could open up polling for folks to self-enter and vote on polling entries. I’d throw in two or three randomly selected “extra songs” and open up the floor for more songs. As I see it, these are the pros and cons:
- Less work for me
- More than 8 entries can show up
- Higher participation
- Number of entries could potentially become overwhelming
- Some folks could hijack the process with questionable choices/bad language/politics/etc.
- No more “extra songs” entries added
What are your thoughts? Should I stick with the current process (that is, reverting to a previous process in 2025) or try this new one? Are there additional benefits or drawbacks I’m not thinking of? I want to hear from you!
Vince Wright
Closing comments on this post. I received a strange song request not long after I posted this suggestion. Filtering through me is the best way to go. I’m abandoning this idea.
I think this could be really great. There’s a lot of songs that fly under the radar. I don’t know how you would resolve the cons though. Maybe do a trial run. If at any point one of these problems arises, you can go back to having that function switched off. Hope this is helpful.
Vince Wright
Thanks for your feedback!
-Vince Wright
Personally, I like seeing what songs you put out to vote on, I don’t think having it wide open for other songs to be entered by the community is needed.
Vince Wright
-Vince Wright