Complete the form, below, to submit a song for review. Submissions of type “full review” or “both” will be used to populate polls to which votes will decide which songs I will review.
If you are interested in an email response, but not a full review, select “specific text” with reasoning in the last field. This will reduce the number of song submissions in the polling queue.
I will reject any song that contains excessive foul language, glorifies drugs, sex, rape, abuse, murder, or any other heinous crime, or lyrics in a language other than English. I will consider submissions with lyrics primarily focused on love between humans on a case-by-case basis.
Ensure that you enter your email address correctly if you want to read my response. If you don’t hear back from me within 72 hours, it is likely that you entered an invalid email address or my response went to your “spam” folder.
Due to high submission volume, expect about a five to six weeks wait for polling, and, assuming it passes, another two to three weeks for a review. Before you submit your song, check the song review index and upcoming reviews and song submission queue first.
Limit one song submission per user per week. No full album submissions. If your submission is currently reviewed, on the current polling queue, is rejected, or if you asked for “specific line of text”, you may submit a different song.
The polling queue is temporarily closed and will reopen on or around March 9th. To ask about a specific line within a song, contact me.
10/28/2022 – Updated romantic/human love language to accept submissions on a case-by-case basis.
10/26/2022 – Added romantic/human love as songs I won’t review.