Photo by Trent Erwin
Hello loyal Bereans!
Thank you for continuing to request, vote, read, reflect, repost, and challenge my reviews. You’ve kept me on my toes and gave me some interesting songs to examine, many of which I never heard. Keep it up!
I wanted to take some time to present my intentions for scheduling the rest of the year. I recently received a flurry of uncommon genres for song reviews (hymn, rap, and hip-hop), all of which are scheduled for early to mid-November. I have two more slots to fill in November prior to my Thanksgiving review. After that, I have eight Christmas songs to schedule. The final song of the year will be my own choice. The rest of the list will have to wait until next year!
I intend to create a six-song poll to fill out the two November spots. As for Christmas, there is plenty of room to submit your Christmas songs! Any Christmas submissions after November 16, 2019 will be collected for 2020.
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