Photo by Trent Erwin
Fellow Bereans,
2020 has been a frustrating year. Concerts were canceled. Schools went virtual. Loved ones were lost. Yet, we still have the hope that is Jesus! He is with us. He loves us. He helps us to become better people. Let us never forget that.
Thank you for your continual support in comments, emails, and prayers! I also appreciate your criticism and patience with me! Your constructive critiques helps me become a better Berean and improve my reviews.
Thank you for spreading the word about my website! The number of viewers nearly doubled since last year. Around 280,000 users visited in 2020 and 1,000 remain subscribed. Praise God that so many people are interested in Scripturally analyzing their lyrics!
I still have one more Hillsong and Elevation Worship review left this year! Request your songs before the next polls start in late October and early November! There’s a few empty spots on the Elevation Worship poll that require more entries.
I know it’s barely fall, but I’ve prayed about how I would do reviews for Christmas. In 2018, I reviewed the classics. In 2019, I ran polls. In 2020, I plan to combine the two! I have four classics in mind and will run polls for the other four. The Christmas reviews will begin on November 29th and will end on December 23rd. You have until the end of October to submit your Christmas songs! This gives me time to prepare the polls and subsequent reviews for 2020. Any submissions after October will be held for Christmas 2021.
I’m capping total Christmas requests to 16. I’ll run one or two polls, depending on how much volume I receive. There’s currently seven Christmas requests for 2020.
Finally, please continue to pray for me, my family, and this ministry.
-Vince Wright
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