Photo by Trent Erwin
Fellow Bereans,
Thank you for your continual support in comments, emails, and prayers! Special thanks to those who supported me financially to keep this site running (you know who you are).
The last polls for regular 2023 song reviews will be from October 22nd to 29th. Regular polling will resume again on or around December 10th.
I struggled to find four “classic” Christmas songs to review for 2023. Therefore, I’ve decided to run polls for all eight slots. This leaves room for a maximum of 32 songs to submit! You have until the end of October to submit your Christmas songs! This gives me time to prepare the polls and subsequent reviews for 2023. Any submissions after the end of October will be held for Christmas 2024.
From now until the end of October, users will be permitted to request a regular queue and Christmas queue song in the same week. If you are submitting a Christmas song, let me know in the notes so that I don’t accidently add it to the regular queue. If the polling queue is down, contact me.
The Christmas reviews will begin on November 29th and will end on December 24th. I will fill November 26th and December 27th with an “extra song” instead of the usual two per month. This is to make room for my usual Thanksgiving review, which will be on November 22nd, and “end of the year” review, which will be on December 31st.
Finally, please continue to pray for me, my family, and this ministry.
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