
Photo by Trent Erwin

by Vince Wright | May 2, 2021 | 7:00 am

Fellow Bereans,

Thank you for participating in my discussion on the artist profile page!  There were many great ideas on how The Berean Test can help people think Biblically about artist theology.  After much prayer and discussion, I decided to do the following:

  1. Each review contains red text asking others to read my Evaluation Criteria and About pages before perusing reviews.  For artists I’ve researched, I will expand the text to include “I strongly encourage you to consider the potential blessings and dangers of this artists theology by visiting Resources.”
  2. The Resources page will include a new section entitled Websites to Examine Artist Theology.  It will contain introductory text and entries for artists I’ve researched.  Entries will include links to artist beliefs and websites that critique them using a balanced approach.  Entries will be alphabetized by artist’s first name.
  3. I posted an entry for Hillsong.  I’ll update Hillsong reviews with red text within the next week or so.
  4. I won’t begin further research until I empty the Extra Songs list.
  5. As stated on my Upcoming Reviews page, after I clear Extra Songs, I’ll create the new Extra Songs list by randomly choosing songs that did not pass polling.  The list will contain up to eight songs.
  6. If a selected song was resubmitted, I’ll remove it from the polling queue.  This includes Polling on Deck.
  7. I’ll run the randomizer on Saturday night, before I create the new poll.  This ensures that selected songs won’t appear in new polls.

As of this writing, there are three songs left on the Extra Songs queue.  I hope to clear it at the end of May, if not mid-May.


Steve Barhydt

Sounds great.

Thanks again for your hard work on this site.

May 02.2021 | 08:43 am

NOTE: CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER FOR EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS! All comments must be approved prior to posting. Comments outside the scope of Berean Test reviews (especially on artist theology) will be edited and/or deleted. ENGLISH ONLY!

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