Photo by Trent Erwin
Fellow Bereans,
A freak accident happened on my computer today! My randomizer list file was completely corrupted. As was my backup file for said randomizer. I had both of them opened at the same time when my computer crashed. There’s nothing on them now.
I apologize to anyone who submitted a song that didn’t pass polling. I’m not going to spend hours of my life recreating the entire list from scratch. I’m way too behind on reviews as-is. Instead, I’m going to start a new list from scratch, starting with the songs that didn’t pass polling this past week.
For those whose songs didn’t pass, all I can recommend is to resubmit your song so that it will get on the list again. However, bear in mind that the queue gets clogged pretty quickly and polling only goes out once a month.
Pamela Wright
Vince – time for a new computer?
Vince Wright
No, it wasn’t that. We lost power and I happen to have both files open. They were the only ones not corrupted.
I’ve since purchased an external hard drive to back up my files in the event my computer collapses. This will include my Berean Test files.
-Vince Wright