Photo by Arnaud Jaegers
Before I begin with my usual polling speech, I have two announcements.
First, starting in the month of August, I will suspend 1 poll monthly to make room for “extra song” reviews. This ensures that songs that did not pass polling will be reviewed more frequently and gives me the flexibility to take small breaks from writing content.
Second, I previously announced that I would lower the song submission queue cap by two per released poll until I reached 40. However, I ran some numbers and realized that 24 is a much more manageable cap. It minimizes the maximum wait time from submission to release from eight weeks to six weeks. This takes into account my first announcement, eight songs per poll, and around two weeks from poll results to release.
I will continue to reduce the polling queue cap by two per poll released. Based on my current projections, and taking into account my first announcement, I expect to reach a cap of 24 by early to mid-January 2023.
Finally, thank you for your continued prayers and support! This website could not continue to exist without your generous words of encouragement, constructive criticism, gifts to pay for yearly expenses, and prayers that I would continue serving God with these reviews.
Back to my regularly scheduled canned language!
Thank you for voting on my second August 2022 polls!
In poll A, Red Rocks Worship’s Fill This Place leaned forward, while Hillsong Young & Free’s Never Fail snuck in.
In poll B, CityAlight’s Your Will be done pushed ahead, while We the Kingdom’s Dancing on the Waves finally made it!
This post contains one regular poll with eight songs. Vote for up to three songs. I will review the top two voted songs. Ties will be broken based on earliest submission.
This poll will close at the end of August 7th, 2022 (EDT). If you don’t like these picks, you’ll have to wait until next week!
- Matt Boswell & Matt Papa - His Mercy Is More 26%, 57 votes57 votes 26%57 votes - 26% of all votes
- Casting Crowns - Who Am I 26%, 56 votes56 votes 26%56 votes - 26% of all votes
- Crowder - Red Letters 20%, 43 votes43 votes 20%43 votes - 20% of all votes
- Vertical Worship – Not Done Yet 12%, 27 votes27 votes 12%27 votes - 12% of all votes
- Tribl & Maverick City Music (Feat. Aaron Moses & Mariah Adigun) - Rumors 5%, 12 votes12 votes 5%12 votes - 5% of all votes
- Mosaic Music - Fountain (I Am Good) 5%, 11 votes11 votes 5%11 votes - 5% of all votes
- half•alive - creature 4%, 8 votes8 votes 4%8 votes - 4% of all votes
- People & Songs - Hell or High Water 2%, 5 votes5 votes 2%5 votes - 2% of all votes
Al Wong
Out of curiosity, if a song doesn’t win is it possible for it to be considered for future polls? Asking because my vote is not doing so hot, haha.
Vince Wright
Great question!
The only way it would be considered for future polls is if someone re-requests it after polling closes. However, if it’s at the bottom of the barrel, odds are it will stay down there in future polls.
Songs that don’t pass polling are added to an offline list that will be considered for “extra songs”, which I’ll review when I have extra time. As per my recent announcement, I’ll review two of these “extra songs” per month. Currently, there are 593 songs on the offline list. Your song will have a 1 in ~600 chance of getting randomly picked, with worse odds as the list grows.
I’d love to review everything that’s requested, but I can only do so much by myself…
-Vince Wright