Photo by Trent Erwin
Fellow Bereans,
I know it might be difficult to believe, but I have a life outside of The Berean Test! Lately, my work, family, and volunteer commitments have been demanding more and more of my attention, which gives me less time to do reviews. During the entire month of January, I have struggled to keep up with the schedule. Normally, I have reviews two weeks ahead of schedule. Now, it is more like two to three days before release.
To address this, I’ve decided to modify the schedule to the following:
- Two weeks of regular reviews. Two songs per week. Wednesday and Sunday. Songs decided by two regular polls that go out in a single post.
- Polling will go out during the second week of regular reviews.
- Two weeks of “extra song” reviews. One song per week. Sunday release. This will give me an additional week to catch up on polled songs and get them scheduled two weeks in advanced. If caught up, this also allows me to take a break from reviews for a full week each month, which will help prevent burnout.
Based on this change:
- “Travis Cottrell – Jesus Saves [Extra song]” will be moved from January 31st to February 4th.
- “Draylin Young (Feat. Kelsey Young) – New [Extra song]” will be moved from February 4th to February 11th.
- Regular polling, as well as new song submissions, will go out on or around February 18th instead of February 11th.
Linda Melcher
I so appreciate your reviews, and want them to keep coming. If you “burn out” they won’t keep coming. Take care of yourself. I also believe your insight helps when I’m reviewing a new song, as well! So … thanks for all you do. Take care!
Neal Cruco
I’m glad you’re focusing on keeping your life in balance so you don’t overwork yourself and get burnt out. Hopefully this schedule is more sustainable for you!
Vince Wright
Thanks! I feel a LOT better making the change!
-Vince Wright