Photo by Mandy Henry
Brigitte Donoho is an American songwriter, artist, and worship leader. Over the past ten years, Donoho released multiple singles Restored, Born To Worship, and True Love, which peaked at the top 10 on both the Christian and AC radio charts. She has a heart for God and for His people. Her entire ministry is all about Him and making Him known to the masses.
She asked me to review her latest single, Acts 2, which I gladly accepted.
Also, check out my review of This is That.
Note to new users: This is a different kind of review site! Read About the Berean Test and Evaluation Criteria prior to reading this review.
1. What message does the song communicate?
This song is specifically about Donoho’s petitions concerning the Holy Spirit that came to the early followers of Jesus as fiery tongues that rested on them. Her prayer is that He:
- Immerses us daily.
- Moves within us so that we will obey God.
- Will grant us the power to perform signs and wonders, the same power that was given to the first generation of Jesus’ disciples.
- Takes residency within us.
Amid this prayer, Donoho makes the point that our pursuit of God should take precedence over all others.
Score: 10/10
2. How much of the lyrics line up with Scripture?
The entire song is derived from Biblical concepts and direct quotes.
Lyrics posted with permission.*
[Verse 1]
Cloven tongues of fire rest on each head
Holy Spirit come baptize us afresh
A prayer offered to God for us Christ-followers to be immersed in the Holy Spirit, similar to the apostles and disciples of Jesus in Acts 2:3. The phrasing “cloven tongues of fire” is directly from the KJV.
While some might take exception with the word “afresh”, as though bathing in the Holy Spirit is a singular event, the disciples of Jesus had received the Holy Spirit in John 20:22 before Acts 2 occurred.
We want nothing less than all you have
A noble goal! After all, all other pursuits are rubbish compared to knowing Christ (Philippians 3:8-10).
come and move in us again
See Verse 1, line 2.
Acts 2 they were all filled in the upper room
the spirit of God blew
and like you did back then
you are still pouring in your children
Dunamis power within
oh Lord do it again
Donoho references the entire incident in Acts 2:1-13, including the tongues of fire, immersion of the Holy Spirit, and the same power that caused the early followers of Jesus to speak in tongues.
Let the reader understand that Donoho is not asking specifically that we all speak in tongues. The word she uses is the Koine Greek word Dunamis, which means “(miraculous) power, might, and strength”. This power was promised in Acts 1:8 and, according to Acts 2:22, is the same power that Jesus used to perform signs and wonders during His ministry, that Stephen accessed to also perform miracles and wonders in Acts 6:8-10. Dunamis is also used in 1 Corinthians 12:10 to describe one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit: performing miracles. Bear in mind that miracles aren’t the only gift of the Spirit that He avails to us.
When Donoho says to “do it again”, she is not referencing the initial, dramatic receiving of the Holy Spirit that comes with salvation. It’s more of a refreshing of the Holy Spirit that occurs daily (2 Corinthians 4:16). Also, see commentary on Verse 1, line 2.
[Verse 2]
All in one place in one accord
Waiting on the promise of the Lord
Borrows from Acts 2:1 to describe the early followers of Jesus who waited for the promised Holy Spirit to come (Acts 1:8).
Holy Spirit come fall on us
See commentary on Chorus, specifically, the last paragraph.
let your love become the conduit
for what was and is to come
Donoho prays that the Holy Spirit will become the might that drives our past, present, and future to obey God. We see the opposite of this in Acts 5:1-16, where Ananias and Sapphira died because they lied to the Holy Spirit.
make your home in us
Donoho invites the Holy Spirit to live in us (Acts 6:5, Romans 8:9-11, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:16-19, Galatians 4:6, Ephesians 5:18, and 2 Timothy 1:14).
Score: 10/10
3. How would an outsider interpret the song?
Unbelievers will think this song is about Christians asking the Holy Spirit for the same power that was given to earlier Christ-followers. It mentions the Holy Spirit specifically by name, using language that intermixes Christianese with everyday. The title, as well as Chorus, should inform them that Acts 2 is the source material behind this song. However, the word “Dunamis” will likely be lost on them without further research. Not a big deal.
It’s difficult to say if they will think that Christians are just power-hungry. While Christians will interpret phrases like “baptize us afresh” and “move in us again” as obedience, I doubt that some (if not many) unbelievers will view this the same way.
Score: 7/10
4. What does this song glorify?
It glorifies the Holy Spirit as God’s promise to believers, who grants might to perform signs and wonders, renews us daily, draws us to obedience, and lives inside us.
Score: 10/10
Closing Comments
Brigitte Donoho’s Acts 2 is a rare bird. There are very, very few songs dedicated to the Holy Spirit. It proclaims that the Holy Spirit was promised to the early disciples and apostles of Jesus, whose power would be granted to them. Acts 2 is the fulfillment of this promise, where we see the preaching of the Gospel in various tongues. Donoho wants us to receive this same Dunamis power that was granted to them, though not necessarily in the same manner. After all, there are various gifts the Holy Spirit allots to each of us. We are to make God the most important aim of our lives, where the Holy Spirit lives inside of us, guiding us to obey and trust in God. These glorify God. Unbelievers should see this song as Christians wanting the Holy Spirit’s power so that He will move inside them. However, some might see this as a power grab. Also, the meaning of “Dunamis” will escape listeners who don’t do research.
This song is appropriate for corporate worship. Seeker-sensitive churches should address the issues raised in section 2, by explaining what “Dunamis” means and that the power given to us is for God’s glory.
Score: 9.5/10
Artist Info
Track: Acts 2 (listen to the song)
Artist: Brigitte Donoho
Album: N/A
Genre: Worship
Release Year: 2023
Duration: 5:19
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*Copyright @ 2023 Watershed Recordings. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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