Photo by Jonas Kakaroto
Fellow Bereans,
Some of you have asked me about donating to The Berean Test. While I’m still on the fence on that, I’d like to ask you to consider something that has become increasingly important to me. While I realize that this has nothing to do with Berean Test reviews, I feel compelled to share.
Have you thought about how much money you spend on food? I’m not talking about basic necessities. I mean discretionary spending on guilty pleasures, eating out, and vacationing. Suppose we spent less on ourselves and used that money to help someone in need. Isn’t that a sacrifice worth making?
Allow me to offer a personal example. I spend $5 a week purchasing my favorite ice cream: Breyers New York Style Cheesecake. In fact, I’m eating some right now!
Doesn’t that look delicious?
I eat this about twice a day, seven days a week. It’s around 320 daily calories, not to mention all the fat and sugar that comes with it!
Suppose I were to eat less ice cream or, perhaps, switch to a once-a-week guilty pleasure? I’m talking Dunkin’ Donuts! There’s one that is close by that sells regular donuts for $1.26 each (including tax). My favorite donut looks something like this:
Eating this masterpiece will set me back 280 calories, not to mention massive amounts of fat and sugar.
Now before some of you beat on me for suggesting donuts are healthier than ice cream, consider the cost difference. I’m spending $3.74 less per week to consume almost 2,000 less weekly calories. Could I eat a banana instead? Sure! They only cost me $0.49 a pound. But, I’m going for the donut.
What do I do with the extra $3.74? I’ll give it to someone in need (2 Corinthians 9:7). Imagine I did this for an entire year. How much could I give away? Almost $200! Not to mention, cutting a little over 100,000 calories out of my diet over the course of a year.
I’m asking you to prayerfully consider sacrificing to help others. Maybe it’s eating out less and cooking at home more. Perhaps you’ll swap out Starbucks coffee for a bottle of water. You could join me and give up daily ice cream for a weekly donut! I’d like to hear from you about how your sacrifice blesses others financially!
If you don’t have a friend or family member that needs help, consider donating to my sister Jessica Perez. I started a Go Fund Me page for her, hoping to raise at least $5,000 to help her with increasing costs. She’s had to make some hard choices for her children, including moving away from our family to a high cost of living area that provides free services for her special needs kids. Her plight is the inspiration behind this campaign.
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