Photo by James Coleman
Elevation Worship’s The Blessing was recently requested several times in the same week, in part because it addresses the current COVID-19 crisis. It’s gaining a lot of attention and it’s clear that many of you want my opinion on it. So, I caved.
It was co-written by Steven Furtick and Chris Brown (Elevation Worship). Christian artists and married couple Cody Carnes and Kari Jobe also helped pen this recent release.
Also, check out my other Elevation Worship reviews. There is plenty to choose from!
Note to new users: This is a different kind of review site! Read About the Berean Test and Evaluation Criteria prior to reading this review. I strongly encourage you to consider the potential blessings and dangers of this artist‘s theology by visiting Resources.
1. What message does the song communicate?
The song’s title summarizes the entire song. It is a series of blessings offered to those who listen, containing several elements:
- That God would grant bless us, keep us, show favor towards us, and grant us grace and peace for a thousand generations.
- That we would become more sensitive to God’s presence that exists everywhere, including the Holy Spirit indwelling within us.
- That we would understand God is for us no matter the time of day, location, or personal scenario.
Side Note: This song relies heavily on repetition:
- Chorus – Three times
- Refrain – Five times, with each containing six “amen”
- Bridge 1 – Six times
- Bridge 2 – Three times
- Bridge 3 – Three times
- Post-Bridge – Three times, with the same phrase repeating six times on the first iteration and eight times on the next two.
Score: 10/10
2. How much of the lyrics line up with Scripture?
All the blessings contained in this song are either directly quoted from Scripture or inspired by it.
Lyrics posted with permission.*
The Lord bless you
And keep you
Make His face shine upon you
And be gracious to you
The Lord turn His
Face toward you
And give you peace
This is a common blessing given at the end of church services. It was originally a blessing God instructed Moses to tell Aaron to give to the people of Israel in Numbers 6:24-26.
The Lord bless you
And keep you
Make His face shine upon you
And be gracious to you
The Lord turn His
Face toward you
And give you peace
Repeats lines 1-7.
Amen, amen, amen
Amen, amen, amen
“So be it” stated six times.
[Bridge 1]
May His favor be upon you
And a thousand generations
And your family and your children
And their children, and their children
Elevation Worship’s blessing inspired by Exodus 20:6, Deuteronomy 7:9, and Psalm 103:17-18.
May His favor be upon you
And a thousand generations
And your family and your children
And their children, and their children
Repeats lines 1-4.
May His favor be upon you
And a thousand generations
And your family and your children
And their children, and their children
Repeats lines 1-4.
May His favor be upon you
And a thousand generations
And your family and your children
And their children, and their children
Repeats lines 1-4.
[Bridge 2]
May His presence go before you
And behind you, and beside you
All around you, and within you
He is with you, He is with you
Combines the omnipresence of God (1 Kings 8:27, Psalm 139:7-12, Proverbs 15:3, Jeremiah 23:23-24, Colossians 1:17, and Hebrews 4:13) with the Holy Spirit who lives inside believers (Acts 6:5, Romans 8:9-11, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:16-19, Galatians 4:6, Ephesians 5:18, and 2 Timothy 1:14) into a blessing. He is with us wherever we go (Joshua 1:9).
[Bridge 3]
In the morning, in the evening
In your coming, and your going
In your weeping, and rejoicing
He is for you, He is for you
Regardless of the time of day, location, or emotional state, God is for us (Psalm 56:9, Psalm 118:6-7, Psalm 121:8, Ezekiel 36:9, and Romans 8:31).
He is for you, He is for you
He is for you, He is for you
He is for you, He is for you
Repeats Bridge 3, line 4.
Score: 10/10
3. How would an outsider interpret the song?
Unbelievers won’t miss the message the first time, much less the second or third. It is a blessing offered to believers. However, they could also be lead astray, thinking that God is with, within, and for them without repentance or faith. Rather, Scripture says the opposite:
- They will experience eternal separation from God (Matthew 18:8, Matthew 25:41, Matthew 25:46, Mark 9:43, Jude 1:7, Revelation 14:11, and Revelation 20:10).
- Their hearts are far from God (Isaiah 29:13, Ezekiel 33:31, and Matthew 15:7–9).
- God is against them.
Little in this song applies to unbelievers until they turn from their wickedness and trust in Jesus.
Score: 7/10
4. What does this song glorify?
It brings glory to God by invoking a Biblically accurate blessing to those who hear it.
Score: 10/10
Closing Comments
Elevation Worship’s The Blessing is an excellent song. It offers a blessing inspired by Scripture that unbelievers can easily comprehend and brings glory to God. However, unbelievers will probably get the wrong idea, thinking God approves of their sinful lifestyle.
Those undeterred by repetition may consider ending their church service with this song; However, I cannot recommend this song for seeker-sensitive churches without an explanation. Either way, it’s not appropriate for corporate worship.
Final Score: 9.5/10
Artist Info
Track: The Blessing (Live) (listen to the song)
Artist: Elevation Worship (Feat. Cody Carnes & Kari Jobe)
Album: Graves Into Gardens (Live)
Genre: Rock
Release Year: Will be released May 2020
Duration: N/A
Agree? Disagree? Don’t be shy or have a cow! Calmly and politely state your case in a comment, below.
*Copyright © 2020 Worship Together Music (BMI) Writers Roof Publishing (BMI) Capitol CMG Paragon (BMI) Kari Jobe Carnes Music (BMI) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com), Elevation Worship Publishing (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
02/15/2022 – After prayerfully considering Steve Barhydt’s comments, I decided that my rating for section 3 was too harsh. I updated it, raising the song’s overall score from 8.5/10 to 9.5/10. I also updated conclusion to explicitly state that it’s not appropriate for corporate worship, and that seeker-sensitive churches should offer an explanation.
09/14/2021 – Per Artist Theology announcement, I expanded the red text to encourage others to study Elevation Worship’s theology.
04/20/2021 – After prayerfully considering Don’s comments, I decided to update section 3 based on his direction. This reduced the song’s overall score, from 10/10 to 8.5/10.
03/15/2021 – Updated per repetition announcement. I tailored my commentary as a side note, to those sensitive to repetition. This raised this song’s score from 9.5/10 to 10/10.
05/11/2020 – Added Psalm 103:17-18 as a reference for Bridge 1, thanks to Linda Carroll!
Marshall B
The first time I heard this song it was evident that it was almost scripture verbatim, which I very much appreciated and enjoyed the way it was presented through the music and melody. That being said. The near endless repetition of it all almost ruins it as far as the musical aspect. We get it!! It’s dizzying the amount of times the song is repeated. After 2 to 3x, it starts to become far too distracting. This is too evident in much of today’s worship music.
Vince Wright
Thank you for your comment! I find it bothersome as well, but others who have cited its benefits have a good point also.
-Vince Wright
Vince – have you considered the alternate lyrics in this version? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1ZjB0UOzOg&list=WL&index=9&t=0s
Vince Wright
Thanks for the laugh!
-Vince Wright
Thank you for making my day.
Ken Dubois
I guess Holy Holy Holy could be cited as repetitious too?
Vince Wright
Great question! It technically repeats, but it’s not nearly annoying as, say, an entire phrase on repeat four or more times. “holy, holy, holy” is highly acceptable, not to mention Biblical!
-Vince Wright
Hi Vince,
Good to see your review and thank you for those biblical references. I reached your page here after searching for a while for the Biblical references of this song ” The Blessing”. I don’t Know how others feel about repetitions but for me its a handy thing to make the word built strong inside me. Even in every music player we do have something called as repeat mode. i really use it a lot. For past couple of days i couldn’t get out of this song. I’m listening to it repeatedly. I normally wont concentrate on lyrics when i’m listening to any other secular music. But when it comes to gospel or worship or biblical. I First check it whether it is completely biblical or not. after a conclusion When i listen to it Ill be taking the lyrics and the word directly to my heart. As we all know Songs are one of the easiest way to memorize something, it helps me a lot in memorizing the word of god.
He is with you
it might sound like just as a sentence
But inside, you know how much it strengthens the soul
repeatedly listening to it not just made me to memorize it but also to think that ” the great god is here with me and he is here for this mere me.”
And each and every time i listen to it. without my brains signal or something my cheeks make a smile automatically. Repetitions create Emotions
this song is completely a blessing for not just any church but for each individual soul listening to it.
Vince Wright
Welcome to The Berean Test and thank you for your comment!
When it comes to repetition, I’ve noticed that there are usually two types of people: those who are annoyed with it (depending on how much/context/etc.) and those who see it as a blessing, reinforcement, and helpful. I haven’t seen much else. It seems that the masses like it!
-Vince Wright
I really struggle with this song, which is why I’m here. I can’t find anyone aside from me struggling with it in my spirit as much as I am. I am not claiming to be correct, this is just my reasoning, if anyone could help me resolve this whether for the validation or invalidation of the song’s glorifying-of-God qualities. Yes, they used scripture to write the song. I’m not sure how I even feel about that as it is taken out of context, but that’s something I’m working through right now. But here’s my biggest issue that I’m struggling with: the fact that this is a worship song. Who are we worshipping when we sing it? It really sounds like ourselves. May His blessing be upon us is biblical, but perhaps this is a song of encouragement of the Body of Christ rather than worshipping Christ Himself (which is the purpose of worship)? We aren’t saying “Lord, thank you for your abounding blessings that you freely give us,” in an attempt to thank Him. Rather, it seems like a secret agenda of hoping He’ll give us what we want (hindering on the prosperity gospel here…). I’m weary because if we’re worshipping ourselves, we have entered into idol-worship, and we know how much God HATES that (Exodus 20:4). I’d love to hear what Scripture backs this up as a worship song (not the lyrics being from the Bible, but this actually being a worship song). This song is beautiful, I can’t lie. I was brought to tears when I watched the video of people from all around the world singing it. But, is that just very well-produced, glimmering, love-bombing deception? Please someone plead your case!!! No judgment, this is a comment from a believer struggling with this song’s place in worship.
Vince Wright
Thank you for your comment!
I agree it’s not a song that worships God. Having said that, I also don’t believe that it’s intended to be man-centered, that somehow the blessing will guarantee its outcome, or that it worships idols. But, that doesn’t mean that it cannot be used in such a way. The same can be said about Scripture, that people twist it for their own gain. Does that mean that Scripture is problematic? Of course not!
The problem, then, lies with not with the lyrics. The issue lies within its use. How do worship leaders and pastors intend to use these lyrics? That’s the question you have to ask yourself.
I hope that helps.
-Vince Wright
Michael Ramsey
Hello, if i may at my church we divide Christian songs into 4 categories. 1. Praise ( songs about or to God most of the time the word “you” is withheld in these songs) 2. Worship ( talking to God the word “you” is commonly used) 3. Transitional (these songs transition from praise to worship or from worship to praise and usually have some elements of a typical praise/and or worship song) and 4. Ministry ( these songs are focused on building us up songs that use the pronoun “I” usually fall here and songs that don’t fall into the other three categories). I would say The blessing falls under the 4th category. * Songs that are almost like God talking to us or how he feels about us are either in the 3rd or 4th category those ones are tricky.
This is my first time on here. Great review and I’m so glad to see one. So I have had a hard time with this song from the beginning. I think it’s great and definitely a nice song. It’s biblical in context but I have a hard time with it being a worship song. Aren’t worship songs for glorifying Jesus and what He’s done for us? They are meant to be outwardly focused on Him and though the Bible is filled with promises and blessings for us I feel worship should be reserved to worship Him and show our reverence for Him. Right? Just my thought.
Vince Wright
Welcome to The Berean Test and thank you for your comment!
I’ve been using a format within, I think, the last year or so, where I end the review with my recommendation for corporate worship. To reiterate, I believe that it’s a song that could be used in place of the usual blessing that ends a service.
-Vince Wright
Linda Carroll
Hello and thank you for this review. I appreciate your insights and that you found scriptural basis for the lyrics. Thank you also for what you wrote in the comments about the church being new Israel, with all the scripture references. That was helpful to me!
I didn’t read all the comments, so I apologize if I’m repeating what someone else already said. I wanted to suggest adding Psalm 103:17-18 as a reference point for “May his blessing be upon you…children’s children”
Thanks again. Nice review!
Vince Wright
Thank you for your compliment and Scripture reference! I added it and gave you credit.
-Vince Wright
Simon Smallwood
Thank you Vince. The UK version states as its headline:
‘Churches around the UK have come together to sing a blessing over the nation.’
It’s one thing hearing/listening into such a blessing (and hopefully being drawn to enquire further!) but it’s another to ‘sing a blessing over’.
It’s important to consider God’s precedent in Jeremiah:
7 And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the LORD for it; for in its peace you will have peace
This would also be akin to Christ’s command to render unto Caeser what is Caeser’s (implied peacefully) and also Paul’s instruction to Timothy:
“First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, 2for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. 3This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”
It seems to be a base assumption that we would pray for blessing and peace for the nation in which we live “so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity”. God will do what he will, allowing persecution or unrest or discipline or judgement, but our command as believers is still to pray for peace and to bless the nation in which we find ourselves living.
Simon Smallwood
Thanks Mike
Yes, but it’s one thing to pray for the blessing of another; it’s another thing to declare they are blessed by God (like Eph 1:3 ‘…in Christ.’)
First time reader here! Thank you for the time and effort you’ve put into this site Vince! Wow! Guessing from the ads, it’s voluntary work. I hope it’s supporting you well for your time – and if not – I’m sure God will fix the tab on the other side 😉
Found myself here after the principal of our Christian school (in Australia) shared the UK version that Simon above spoke about. I shared the clip with my family when I got home and then hubby and I have been discussing this a bit deeper.
There have been some great comments here. Wonderful food for thought. Thank you for giving us a platform to unite together internationally. I especially loved Roberts heart in grieving about greed.
I was also prepared about your frustrations with repetition after being a good girl and following your links to the criteria section. 😁 Thanks for those who commented and shared their opinions on this. Something more to chew on!
As for my personal comment, when talking about ‘The Blessing’ – My two cents are we may not know what the blessings from God look like when we ask Him to intercede on behalf of others, so don’t fear in praying this over people – believers or even pre-believers!!
Sometimes Gods face on us may involve revealing sin, or stripping away human traits or taking away our comforts or idols so we see Him more. As for being gracious to us – We all need this indeed! Thank You God for Your Son!!
Blessings from God are not always pain free (from what I’ve read in scripture) but He knows the best time, the right dosage and perfect pressure – to reveal our failings and bring us before Him.
So I’m all for praying this over the UK as the lip suggests – and the rest of the world too! Even more so now as His Sons return date gets closer every day!! 🙌
Oh that was long, sorry! Thank you!
☺️ Kelly
PS – What’s the story behind the name ‘TastyWallet’? 🤣
Vince Wright
Welcome to The Berean Test and thank you for your comments! I am glad that you checked my criterion before reading my review. It gives you a sense of my thought process and how I score songs.
I would love to do this full-time; However, yes, I advertise to cover costs. I consider The Berean Test a hobby; a place to express my opinions about Christian lyrics. I became profitable this year, covering all the costs I put into it since 2018. Praise Jesus!
I know from personal experience how trials bring about blessing. I’ve gone through things that I would not wish on my worst enemy, coming out a gentler, kinder, and more generous individual.
The name “TastyWallet” is something I came up with several years ago. I wanted to create a screen name for a game I used to play called Maple Story (I don’t recommend it) using two words that don’t belong together, could bring joy to others, and would likely never trigger the frustrating “this name has already been taken” message in the future. So, there I was, staring at my wallet and thinking about how hungry I was. Then it hit me: “TastyWallet”. I’ve been using it ever since!
-Vince Wright
Ha ha! ‘TastyWallet‘ made me smile! My son sometimes uses ‘ItchyTurtle’ when gaming, which also paints a quirky image!
Thank you for using your hobby to bless others a congratulations on breaking through! Great news! May it continue to grow and provide you with God pleasing conversation and connections – as well as a good reason to keep on searching scripture.
Thanks again!
– Kelly
Simon Smallwood
I’ve come on this site for the first time – thank you for helpful comments. I’m trying to get my head around the way this song is being used. It’s just gone viral in the UK, being used to sing a blessing over the nation in the midst of (Covid 19 lockdown) crisis.
So my understanding is that Num 6 is a pronouncement of the LORD’s blessing on his people Israel, usually said by the temple priests after the daily sacrifices.
It seems therefore it should only be pronounced to the church [to those who are in Christ by faith (1Pet 2:9/ Rev 1:5-6)] and probably best after a reminder of the gospel – the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sin.
It seems it only appears in the New Testament at all on the lips of Jesus, in shorthand as he blesses his disciples or says ‘Peace to you’ (e.g. Luke 24:50-51; John 14:27; John 20:19).
The Exod 20:6 and other refs are equally reserved not only for God’s people Israel, but conditional on them loving him, keeping his commands, etc. Again, I guess this applies only to those in Christ who has fulfilled the requirements of the law on their behalf and thus brought God’s blessing to them.
It therefore seems to me that this can be gladly heard by the church or sung to the church, but not to unbelievers and certainly not to a whole nation.
Waddya think?
Vince Wright
Thank you for your comments and question! I think that the blessing was intended for believers; However, I see no opposing Scripture that forbids an unbeliever from hearing such a blessing, even if they are outside the camp of Christ and may not partake of its benefits.
-Vince Wright
M. Freckleton
I am not normally in favor of gross repetition in worship songs, but in this case it absolutely works. As a father of two, I cannot (I feel) ask God enough for protection, blessing, and mercy for my children. The repetition in this song conveys my sense of urgency to have God truly bless my children – not with possessions, wealth, or fame – but Himself. “May his favor be upon you and a thousand generations. And your family, and your children, and their children, and their children.” “He is for you! He is for you!” How I hope and pray this will be true for my children.
Regarding specifically the question of this song being used in corporate worship – is the command to worship God through “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” exclusively meant for adoration? If we take our cue from the psalms, the answer would be a resounding no. Many psalms include blessings, statements about enemies, requests for destruction of said enemies, as well as the oft extrapolated adoration and supplication. If we take Paul too literally, beyond what he intended, we’d be singing for the destruction of all those who persecute Christians. But we don’t do that – we naturally gravitate toward adoration in our song writing and corporate singing, without direct biblical instruction to do so. But Paul’s actual instruction is to be “speaking to on another in psalms…and make music from your heart to the Lord.” So not just singing to God, but also to each other. Singing a blessing corporately to one another and over one another is not only perfectly acceptable but is in fact part of our instruction. This song is a beautiful, simultaneous pronouncement of blessing over the corporate church and the individual believer.
Sometimes I think in our desire to be sensitive to what God wants from us we over complicate things and neglect the truth of the Holy Spirit’s role to “will and to work in you for his good pleasure.” Concern over man-centered song worship has it’s place, but song worship is only a snippet of whole worship, or as Paul calls it, true and proper worship – “offer your bodies as a living sacrifice to God”. Our entire being, not just corporeal but our actions, our thoughts, our choices, our very nature, is worship because we are one with Christ, because we are indwelt by the living God where our very hearts have become the most holy place where God sits. We’ve synonymized worship with singing songs of adoration, confession, and supplication, but that’s merely part of the whole.
Additionally, I find that repetition is the key to effectual learning. From learning to walk, talk, ride a bike, mathematics, etc., most of our learned skills and patterns form through repetition. This also includes poor and unhealthy behaviors and patterns of thinking. For people who suffer from depression, PTSD, anxiety, negative self-talk, repetition of good and positive things is often the only way to recovery, because of how potent and incessant the unhealthy thought patterns are. Mantras and meditations become means of healing and recovery – what is better to hear on repeat, that you are a worthless, hopeless piece of garbage, or that in all things God is for you, with you, and within you? That, essentially, you are valuable to and will be cared for by God.
Ultimately our relationship to God is just that – ours. We are each responsible to God for ourselves, not others. It is totally fine that someone gets super irritated by repetition. But don’t make a law out of that or condescend on someone who finds it to be refreshing and healing – and vice versa. It’s our individuality and willingness to be ourselves, as God made us, that creates the mosaic of the corporate church. I vote to sing blessing over that.
Mark Ephgrave
Vince Wright
Thank you for your thoughts!
Another commenter to a different song mentioned that they use repetition to help others learn a new song, then slowly reduce it over time. I agree that it can help us learn and reinforce concepts; However, it can also become hypnotic. Learning is great, but manipulating minds is something we want to avoid in churches.
In terms of corporate worship, I see your point. In hindsight, I boxed myself into the standard format, where a blessing is offered at the end of the service. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to sing blessings mid-service!
-Vince Wright
A comment about the “ad nauseum” repetition…
Blessed is the one who meditates on the instruction of the Lord – cf. Psalm 1:1,2
Meditation, at least applied to scripture, is a repetition of thought and focus on a particular portion. In this case, the blessing found in Numbers 6 and through repetition I followed this song into an incredibly rich presence with the Lord.
At first I just listened with reflection. But then I listened to the song again, and I sang along, in a sense praying the blessing over my family (perhaps encouraged by the reminder of His favor to a thousand a generations of those who love Him).
And then over more of my extended family. And now the song is just on repeat….I picked up my church directory and sang along over each one listed there. Sang for my city and our country, especially for those who have yet to know the Lord and experience the blessing of life with Him.
So some of the comments about receiving a blessing for ourselves over and over I certainly get. But in many ways, we are blessed, for a purpose of being a blessing. Even the word, blessing, may be somewhat misunderstood.
In praying through this song, I had a deep experience of blessing in the sense of well-being. I imagine a lot of that came from being aligned with the Lord in his desire to bless his people. And while we may often think of blessing in material terms, this was a blessing to my heart and soul, as I gave to others through prayer what I was receiving. And no shortage of accounts of people talking to me about some hardship they were enduring that day, but enduring it with a sense of the Lord being with them … well, it helped to affirm the power of prayer.
For those who felt it was overly repetitive, consider shifting the focus from a blessing over you, to a blessing offered to others and see if perhaps you might follow the same path to the presence of the Lord.
May you be blessed as richly.
Vince Wright
Thank you for your comment! You’ve given me a lot to think about.
-Vince Wright
Karen V
I’ve been wrestling with this song because I don’t know if it should be classed as a worship song.
Maybe a blessing to sing over others, like a benediction post service, but is it really me worshiping God? It feels like I’m singing a blessing over myself. If so, is my focus on God, or is it on what He gives me?
The psalms also talk about things that God hates (like a lying tongue). Can we honestly sing that God is for people, when we don’t know where they are in repentance with Him?
I haven’t come to a conclusion with these thoughts. I just feel wary of painting God as this benefactor when people could be setting their faces again God with their unrepentant sin.
Happy to sit in the shade of someone with more knowledge than me though!
Vince Wright
Great question!
I agree, I don’t see this as useful for corporate worship. If anything, it is useful in church at the end, to bless the congregation.
-Vince Wright
Thanks for the review! May I respectfully point out, if you get bored of the bridge after 3 times you might begin to get bored in heaven when we sing with the elders or 4 living creatures the same songs and verses repeated over for all eternity?
I understand it might not fit nicely into a church service but if the point is to glorify God, as your review seems concerned with, then I don’t think being repetitive is something He’s concerned with. Just a friendly thought!
Again, thanks for posting the passages these songs are from!
Vince Wright
Thank you for your comments!
It’s difficult to say if I would be the same person as I am today when I finally meet Jesus in His Kingdom. Yet, if I were a betting man (and I’m usually not), I’d wager that the “Me” that you see before you and the “Me” in heaven, with my spiritual body, would be like night and day. it’s also impossible to know precisely what it will be like for me when I get there; However, I understand that you referenced Revelation 4:8 with your commentary, that the four living creatures and elders state the same statement, over and over again, day and night.
Earlier reviews downgraded section 4 based on massive repetition; However, another commenter convinced me that God’s inherent glory has nothing to do with how often lyrics repeat. I’ve since upgraded the scoring and, as you no doubt noticed, I gave a 10 for that section on this review.
Grain of salt aside, I am glad to help with Scripture passages!
-Vince Wright
This is a beautiful song (thoughts and opinions of Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe and Elevation aside), but IMO, this song does not belong in church. It is not a worship song. I’m pro blessing, and it’s absolutely biblical, but it’s not a worship song in nature.
Vince Wright
Thank you for your comment! I agree that it’s not a worship song. Since it’s a blessing, and blessings are given at the end of the service, my thought is that a church service could potentially end with this song.
-Vince Wright
Julie Cox
I usually think repetition is a bit much as well, but in this case, I think the repetition was to build it up and make it more powerful. Like a declaration. This time it moved me. Love this song! 🙂
Vince Wright
Thank you for your thoughts! I admit that my constant criticism over repetition is subjective (although any opinion will be subjective) and it affects the scoring. My advice is to take the meat and throw away the bones.
-Vince Wright
robert collins
Why did you copyright a song that inspiration was giving to you from the word God and his spirit – it was freely given to you and you freely admit most of it comes from “numbers” Do you have the right to Copyright it as your own inspiration? It was freely given to you as a gift from God so why now do you claim it as yours with a copyright!
Vince Wright
What are you talking about? I haven’t copyrighted anything. This song belongs to Elevation Worship. it’s their copyright, not mine. I simply have permission to use it from Capitol CMG Publishing and Essential Music (a subsidiary of Sony).
-Vince Wright
robert collins
Written by Steven Furtick, Chris Brown, Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes
©2020 Music by Elevation Worship Publishing, Capitol CMG Paragon / Writers Roof Publishing, Worship Together Music / Kari Jobe Carnes Music
CCLI #: 7147007
First thank you for approving my commit – I see your point however how do “they” have the right copyright something that is a quote right from the word of God and a freely given inspiration- the question still stands as ridiculous as you think it is – The song is a gift for Gods people- not to be sold or copyrighted- as you know the gifts and inspiration belong to the one who gave them.
Vince Wright
This is a question that transcends this song. Elevation Worship is not the first, nor are they the last, to copyright something inspired by the Bible. Virtually all artists copyright their music, including Christian artists who borrow from the Bible for their music. Almost all translations of the Bible (if not all translations) are copyrighted. What gives them a right to copyright their work?
In short, the government.
Copyrights are meant to protect the imaginations of those who work on media, whether that is music, movie, book, or video game. Christian artists, in general, are “worthy of their wages” (Luke 10:7 and 1 Timothy 5:18). We could argue about any individual artists, as to their deserving of it, but my point is, the copyright is the government’s way of protecting intellectual property and prevent theft. That includes derivative work, including Elevation Worship’s The Blessing.
Artists work hard to produce music and lyrics. Translators work hard to transliterate and translate the Bible. What would happen to their livelihood if people stole their work and sold it as their own? Copyrights are meant to protect against it.
As you might recall in Romans 13, governments are established by God and we are subject to our governing authorities. It is the government that grants these protections known as “copyright law” to artists, translators, and other individuals.
I understand your point. This song is a gift and should be given away, not sold. I suppose Elevation Worship could ask for donations rather than selling their music. But, if they don’t copyright it, someone else might and do whatever they want with it. That is the government we live in.
In one sense, it is given away. You’ve probably heard of YouTube, Pandora, and Spotify. This song is available in all these mediums, free of charge (though there might be the occasional ad). As are just about any Christian song. So, I’m not sure how far your argument goes.
-Vince Wright
robert collins
Dear Vince Wright
Thanks again for you reply and you are “right” this issue/subject transcends this songs, our Bible is not copyrighted however the translations are and the very songs we sing together on Sunday morning are copyrighted as well- I’m also well aware you already know this from reading your reply.
Also let me say this song is a wonderful song!! and it’s blessing to people why? because the word of the Lord is not void in it’s work- But something bothered my spirit when I saw the video attacked to this song everything was perfect the lighting the stage everyone looked so beautiful the camera work was out standing- So…what bugged me? I realized it’s a show and they are selling tickets to their show for $50 dollars you can be blessed by the Lord here is the link https://www.stubhub.com/elevation-worship-tickets/performer/100273774/
Yes, we are able to listen to the song for free like you stated however the real catch is tossing down $50 bucks for the real anointing they are offering where everything looks so so perfect because that has to be God.
Vince, I’m sorry, I don’t mean to go on and rant or even sound angry but the gospel of greed is a real problem here in the USA and apparently I’m not sure what can be done about it – you asked me how far my argument goes – I think it started and ended here – things like this bother me and because Jesus didn’t charge me a dime when he loved and saved instead he paid the price..but anyway this turning into word salad and I know you got better things to do so let me end with this..
You quoted Romans 13, I agree, you are 100 percent right!! But I can almost assure you that Feat. Cody Carnes & Kari Jobe) didn’t write their song from a open source Greek and Hebrew manuscripts that they translated them self’s.
Even money say they copped their song from the NIV which is copyrighted by law and owned by HarperCollins
Copyrights being stolen by Copyrights all in the name of money- just like Jesus planed !!!
Be blessed Vince and thank you for letting reply. BTW. I’m not sure how I found my self on this page, I simply looking for more info about the song.) I wont be posting anymore But welcome your reply be blessed brother and I love you.
Vince Wright
I think I understand where you’re coming from. Yes, when artists play their music, there is often a charge to hear them play. In effect, there are two ways to pay for operating expenses: charge tickets or ask for donations. Of course, they also sell merchandise and albums.
Insofar as I am aware, the people who pay for the tickets are not just looking for a spiritual experience. They are there to specifically listen to that artist for entertainment. Even Christian artists are entertainers. That is part of their job. Christian music is as much a business as anything else. This doesn’t sit well with many people and you might be among them!
I’m not sure how any of us can get away with quoting from copyrighted Bible translations. Perhaps it’s because we aren’t trying to sell them as our own work?
How do I respond to this? With Philippians 1:15-18. Even if the Gospel is preached with a heart of greed, trickery, and deceit, if the Gospel is preached, then I rejoice.
That doesn’t mean you have to pay for it!
Most people find this site by doing a Google search. I appreciate your support!
-Vince Wright
robert collins
I know that I said I wouldn’t post any more but I wanted to say I love you keep fighting keep holding on Vince and sorry for the bad grammar and spelling- God loves you so much! and I hope we can rejoined in heaven to meet pray for me you are also in my prayers ! much love and blessing on you!
Just a couple of thoughts on copyrights:
1. The instrumentation is as much a part of what is copyrighted as the lyrics, so even if the words themselves are in the public domain, the way they are arranged and the instrumentation is original to that artist.
2. Having a copyright gives the author some level of control to keep their work from being misused (for example, from being used to promote some event or product that the author believes runs counter to his/her intent with the work). It also gives recourse to the author through the court system to stop misuse and to impose a penalty on those who refuse to comply with the author’s limits on the use of his/her work.
Jon V.
This song is a classic example of well-meaning believers taking scripture out of context and forcing it to apply to the Church. As the Church, we of course desire the Lord to bless us and for His Face to shine upon us. But if you keep this song in context, it isn’t for the church… it was for Aaron and the priests (Numbers 6) as a blessing for Israel. It was for Israel to keep their end of the Mosaic Covenant. If they did, they would be blessed to the thousandth generation (Deut. 7, read it all, in context). In short, this song, while well intended, is out of context for the Church.
Vince Wright
Thank you for your comments!
You are correct about the original context. This blessing was given by the priest Aaron to the “sons of Israel”. However, the New Testament Church is new Israel, prophecied in Jeremiah 31 and fulfilled throughout the book of Acts. It includes Israelites and gentiles into a single fold, a point of contention for some Israelites and a major theme throughout the entire New Testament. There is no reason to think that this ancient blessing would not apply to gentile believers today, those of us who are adopted sons of God (John 1:12-13, John 14:18, Romans 8:14-17, Romans 8:23, Romans 9:1-8, Galatians 3:26, Galatians 4:5-7, Ephesians 1:3-14, Ephesians 2:11-22, Hebrews 9:15, and 1 John 3:1-3) and in effect, are adopted Israelites (Romans 11:11-24).
-Vince Wright
Amen, Vince. Great to acknowledge context, but the Lord extends this blessing to us, it is unending
Joel Swenson
Even if the church is the new Israel, the promise was given to Israel at a certain time based upon their actions. The promise doesn’t transfer simply because two different groups are refered to by the same name. It would be like my son claiming a promise that my father gave to me when I was his age, that is not how specific promises work. We are two different sons. This is why careful exegesis is so critical in when we interpret the Bible. At best these verses tell us about God’s character, not individualized promises we can claim today 3,000+ years later. This is one of the most significant issues of the modern church we want to make the story of the Bible about us instead of about God.
Thanks, Joel
Jon – I agree that scripture should be read in context but I disagree that in this instance a blessing has been taken out of context.
Vince – I think your response is very well said. I would add one thing: Under the new covenant, we, the church, are a holy priesthood (1 Peter 2:4-10).
Jon – I had the similar thoughts as you; that this is very much like taking Jer 29:11, and thinking that it is meant for us individually. I might tweak what you said about the “thousand generations”, and re-word it to say that the inclusion of “1000 generations” is to indicate the length of God’s faithfulness (see bullet points below) – it goes on ‘forever’. I think this ends up being a descriptor of God’s character, more so than some guarantee of generation-to-generation blessing.
Thank you Vince for finding all the related verses; that is a huge help. I went and read Deuteronomy chapter 7, and took away these key points, which I think helps to make Jon’s case:
– (Deut 7:1-5) God is going to bring the Israelites into the promised land. When they get there, God is going to drive away (through the Israelites) the nations that live there. These nations are to be devoted to complete destruction, in order to prevent intermarriage, and idolatry. If this Happens, God’s anger will be kindled against the Israelites
– (Deut 7:6-8) God chose the Israelites to be holy, set apart for Him. It was not of their own merits that God chose them, but because he is faithful to his former promises to the patriarchs, and that he loves his chosen position (he is jealous for them). God alone rescued them from slavery in Egypt.
– (Deut 7:9-11) God keeps his covenants. He is faithful, to the thousandth generation (i.e. a really long time…God’s faithfulness is part of his unchanging character). God’s steadfast love extends to those who love him, and keep his commandments, but he will repay those who hate him – by destroying them. Do not test God on this; be careful to do all that he has commanded (reference back to Deut 7:3-5).
– (Deut 7:12-16) If the Israelites follow God’s commands, he will bless them and multiply them. More warnings about being sure to completely destroy the nations in the land which God has devoted to complete destruction.
– (Deut 7:17-26) The Israelites are not to fear that the nations in the promised land are more numerous / stronger than they. God delivered them from Egypt with a mighty arm and will display the same power against those nations. Be careful not to desire their idols/gods, as that will corrupt the Israelite people, and turn them from the Lord.
It does seems like a misuse of the text to rip out the “blessing” without the curses and warnings to go along with it. We read too much of our 21st century western ideas into it, and make it mean something different than the original word.
Julie Cox
Hello! I heard that the pastor of Elevation church (Steven Furtick) felt that God was speaking this blessing over his church and wanted his congregation to receive it, so he sat down in a room with Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes and wrote this song for his church. It was specifically meant for his church, I believe.
Josh Ramos
Jon V. That’s exactly what I thought when I first heard it. I’ve been asked by several folks from our church, “When are we singing The Blessing?”, and I have told them that I was thinking about it.
I am still not at ease with having our congregation sing this song, not because it is not biblical, but because the reference versus are out of context. As a pastor, I have used them as a benediction to our congregation at the end of a worship gathering. Nevertheless, I do not believed they were intended for a congregation to say it, or sing it, for that matter.
D. Rose
Jon, I would submit that you are taking a bit too far. Paul made a point of saying that we as gentiles are adopted into the family of God, and into the Abrahamic lineage (Rom 8:14-17, Gal 3:27-29). if this is so then the blessing is for us too.
Furthermore if we take as strict a context as you are taking, then the entire Bible is not for the modern day Christian. For example, the book of Romans was for the Christians in Rome exclusively, thus it is not for modern day Christians and the books of Luke and Acts are for Theophilus, not for modern Christians, etc. If we are going to accept the Bible we have to assume that all of the bible is relevant. Some parts, like the old testament ceremonial law, have been superseded by Christ and are no longer relevant to our worship, but the old testament moral law is still very much relevant
Melvin Evans
I agree with you, except for the “well intended” part. Out of context is intentional.
Mark Cole
I think the repetition is worth it the first time you introduce it to a congregation… that will help them learn it.. but after that I would try to pare it down from an 8 minute song to a 5 minute song.
Vince Wright
That makes sense! Why didn’t I think of that? It works well for children too.
-Vince Wright
Stephen Brinton
Interesting “technical” review. I haven’t always been fond of “repetition” either but I suggest there might be good reason – we are living in a world that gets its information and much of its interaction through 30 second sound bites – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. I think the church (myself included) is suffering from spiritual “ADD”. And of course worship goes beyond simply “enjoying” the lyrics and certainly was never intended to be “tolerated” but entered into. If we think, having heard the words once through, “we get it” perhaps we haven’t – perhaps to go deeper takes time, perhaps “seeking” takes time and yes “repetition” until the truth of the scripture really captivates our spirit – beyond our mind. I acknowledge that some songs served up to the body might be better applied in a private, personal time of worship but at the same time the church needs to grow not in “endurance” but true passion and devotion. One final remark, in these days when the drum beat that is “repeated” through the media is “fear inducing”, perhaps we will need words of hope a thousand times to drown them out.
Vince Wright
Thank you for your comment! I appreciate reading from your perspective about repetition.
-Vince Wright
Wow, what an interesting discussion about the lyrics of a song. It’s my first time on this site. I like the repetition because it’s like when we say “Thank you Jesus” or “Worthy are you Lord” over and over to praise God. I would’ve liked to go see Elevation Worship live but their tickets are not affordable for minimum wage earning folks like me lol
Vince Wright
Welcome to The Berean Test!
I am glad that you like repetition! I also understand the pricing situation. Although, there aren’t many concerts during the current pandemic.
-Vince Wright
While I enjoy thos song, it is an example of where the church is. We love to receive blessings, but not as quock to carry out the responsibility that comes with one. If we are blessed, we must be a blessing to others and not just to those around us, but to the nations. May you all receive His Blessings so that His way may be known on earth, and Hus salvation among all nations.
Vince Wright
Great advice!
-Vince Wright
I adore this passage of scripture, but this song is so incredibly boring that it detracts from the meaning behind it because you just want it to hurry up and end already! I’d rather listen to Good Good Father on repeat.
Hi Varya, The Blessing is a song that compiles God’s promises in the bible, we repeat it back to Him in a form of prayer to remind Him of His promises for us. God is the one to enjoy our praise for it is unto Him, not, we get it wrong often that we need to enjoy a song but in truth, we are to put God first.
One thing I never understood, Tobi, is why would we need to remind God of his promise to Abraham and his lineage. Isn’t He God? Yet Moses had to remind Him of His promise when He wanted to wipe Israel out after they created the golden calf.
I, for one, don’t think we need to remind God of anything. If reminding needs done, it’s us that need the constant reminder of Who it is we belong to.
Well, I’m late and maybe someone else could put this in a more biblically referenced context, but I’d just add that as human beings, we should constantly be reminding ourselves that questions of reasoning, that is, human reasoning like, “if God is all knowing, why does God need to be reminded?” are concluded from leaning on our own understanding. We should not forget He has told us He is a jealous God… jealous for us… desires a relationship with each and every one of us… and when we remind Him, He knows that we are thinking about that relationship, that we remember how important it is to us, that we are resetting it above our recent previous thoughts and actions, and that we love Him.
Vince Wright
Thank you for your comment!
From a Biblical perspective, Moses didn’t have any problem reminding God about His promise to make Israel “as numerous as the stars of heaven”. Take a look at Exodus 32:11-18. We shouldn’t either.
-Vince Wright
So then what is the point of telling him he is great? Or praying at all? doesn’t he already know?
Remind Him? He does not need reminding …
Steve Barhydt
Moses would seem to disagree with you…
Exodus 32:9 – 14 (KJV)
9 And the LORD said unto Moses, I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiffnecked people:
10 Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation.
11 And Moses besought the LORD his God, and said, LORD, why doth thy wrath wax hot against thy people, which thou hast brought forth out of the land of Egypt with great power, and with a mighty hand?
12 Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people.
13 Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, thy servants, to whom thou swarest by thine own self, and saidst unto them, I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven, and all this land that I have spoken of will I give unto your seed, and they shall inherit it for ever.
14 And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people.
********End Quote*******
Job would also seem to disagree with you
Job 14:13 (KJV)
O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave, that thou wouldest keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me!
********End Quote*******
As would Samson…
Judges 16:28
And Samson called unto the LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes.
********End Quote*******
As would Jeremiah…
Jeremiah 15: 15 (KJV)
O LORD, thou knowest: remember me, and visit me, and revenge me of my persecutors; take me not away in thy longsuffering: know that for thy sake I have suffered rebuke.
********End Quote*******
As would Nehemiah…
Nehemiah 5:19 (NASB)
Remember me, my God, for good, in return for all that I have done for this people.
Nehemiah 13:14 (KJV)
Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and wipe not out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for the offices thereof.
Nehemiah 13:22 (KJV)
And I commanded the Levites that they should cleanse themselves, and that they should come and keep the gates, to sanctify the sabbath day. Remember me, O my God, concerning this also, and spare me according to the greatness of thy mercy.
Nehemiah 13:29 (KJV)
Remember them, O my God, because they have defiled the priesthood, and the covenant of the priesthood, and of the Levites.
Nehemiah 13:31 (KJV)
And for the wood offering, at times appointed, and for the firstfruits. Remember me, O my God, for good.
*********End of Quotes******
As would the Psalmist…
Psalm 25:6-7 (KJV)
6 Remember, O LORD, thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses; for they have been ever of old.
7 Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness’ sake, O LORD.
Psalm 74:2
Remember thy congregation, which thou hast purchased of old; the rod of thine inheritance, which thou hast redeemed; this mount Zion, wherein thou hast dwelt
Psalms 106:4 (KJV)
Remember me, O LORD, with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people: O visit me with thy salvation;
*********End of Quotes******
In case you are wondering, in the Hebrew the word for remember is, zakar, It means, surprisingly enough, “to remember”.
From Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance…
A primitive root; properly, to mark (so as to be recognized), i.e. To remember; by implication, to mention; also (as denominative from zakar) to be male — X burn (incense), X earnestly, be male, (make) mention (of), be mindful, recount, record(-er), remember, make to be remembered, bring (call, come, keep, put) to (in) remembrance, X still, think on, X well.
**********End Quote********
Do I believe that God forgets? Absolutely NOT!!!
In spite of that, is it Biblically to ask Him to remember? The above quoted scriptures would say a resounding, YES!!!
So, the question becomes, if God doesn’t forget, why can we and do we ask Him to remember?
This article at Christianity.com has a good answer in my opinion (https://www.christianity.com/wiki/god/what-does-it-mean-in-the-bible-that-god-remembered.html)
**********Start of Quote**********
Is ‘Remember’ Just in the Mind?
In the Old Testament examples, the text uses the Hebrew word zakar, which means “to remember.” But the definition goes deeper, for it also means to bring someone to mind — and then act on that person’s behalf. Zakar, then, is as much direct action as it is a mental exercise.
Indeed, in every instance of God remembering, we see in the Old Testament that it always includes an action. For example, God remembered Noah, then made the water recede. God remembered Rachel, then opened her womb. And, years later, hearing the Hebrews’ cries for rescue, God remembered His covenant with their ancestors and rescued them.
Raised in the faith, King David knew God brought mighty action when He remembered someone or something. So, David’s cries to the Lord in the Psalms are just as much cries for effect as for affection.
For instance, in Psalm 25, David begs God to “Remember, Lord, Your great mercy and love … remember me” (Psalm 25:6-7). This is a cry for help, for rescue, for deliverance — not just a cry for love.
It wasn’t just King David who cried out for the Lord’s remembrance. Asaph pleaded with the Lord to “Remember the nation You purchased long ago, the people of Your inheritance and deliver them” (Psalm 74:2).
And in Psalm 106:4, the Psalmist begs, “Remember me, Lord, when you show favor to your people, come to my aid when you save them.” He’s asking for rescue, not just kind thoughts.
In the New Testament, the Greek word is mimnēskomai, meaning “to remember” or “recall,” but it too seems to imply action. God’s remembering brought the Holy Spirit on one, and His wrath upon another.
How Does ‘God Remembered’ Apply Today?
God never forgets His promises or His people — He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, and the creator of the universe. He doesn’t suffer from memory lapses.
But God makes it clear that we, as His people, are to continue to cry out to Him with prayer and petition, with praise and thanksgiving.
Isaiah 62:6-7 reminds us, “I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give Him no rest till He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.”
Many Christians take Holy Communion, consuming bread and wine as symbols of Jesus’ body and blood, which they are to do “in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19).
And Jesus also told His disciples that after He has left, He would send the Holy Spirit to live within them to “teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you” (John 14:26).
And in Luke 23:39-43, one of the criminals crucified with Christ Jesus begged Jesus to remember him in heaven. He sought forgiveness — and received it.
When we ask for forgiveness, talk with God in prayer, take communion, and otherwise engage with the Lord, we are in essence calling His attention upon us. He sees all and knows all. And we must trust He will act on our behalf.
**********End Quote********
I heard it and it was astonishing! God put me in the right place to hear it. Moved me to tears and prayer.
Patricia Coomb
I agree… this is a beautiful song and brings me to tears every time I listen to it
This is my reaction too – it brings me to tears. The repetition is worship; I sense God’s heavy Presence, love and blessing more and more, the longer it goes on.
Brings me tears as well. It’s the heart of worship that we are repeating back to God His promises He made to us. Thank you Lord, Thank You Lord.
Michael D Armour
I have listened to this song at least a dozen times, all 12 minutes of it, and I have wept every time. Such a powerful description of what God’s blessing can be. I’m not much of a 7-Eleven kind of worshipper (7-11 repeats) but this song Can absolutely get away with it. The way that it builds the way that it just speaks to us every time through. Those that just want to get through the song may not get what it’s trying to say to us.
You can tell that Kari Jobe is just blown away with how well the song is being received. The live video that’s out there was performed just days after they wrote the song. You can just see the excitement in her as she sings. And look at the people the close-ups of people weeping.
I believe it was written for this time, to cut through the noise of today.
Thank you for your review and listing of all the scripture that went into making this song.
Shan … Nope & I’ll stick to being overly cautious [not saying always outright wrong] with the mystical influences [kundalini similarity] of repetition. If we can’t get then with sound Theology, let’s put them in a trance like state of euphoria Me reckon if I’m a 1st year law student, it will be folly to try and compare myself to the law Professor, or already practice law! … Similar, but even less comparable & way-way further apart is we as mere sinful beings this side of Heaven, comparing ourselves to Angelic beings, don’t you think? Indeed very presumptuous and haughty! For one thing, there is many a danger & pitfalls applying to us & not them! Let’s first get there, before we claim the spoils … Similar in the way this song claiming every Blessing under the sun, without much in the way of pre-requisites!
There’s quite a lot of repetition in worship from the angels around the throne so brace yourself for heaven!
Lee Owings
Totally agree. Repetition is not a issue here. Praise is all that is on my mind during this.
I love the repetition! This song puts me into praise mode and I listen to it multiple times in a row when possible. The repetition makes it easy for those that are not familiar with the scriptures to remember. Both artists are incredibly talented. The song is a “Blessing” to all that hear it 🙂
So true Shan! I don’t mind the repetition of this song. The repeated phrases is what we need to hear for that truth to penetrate our mind & heart!
Aniekeme Ekanem
This song has been on repeat since the day I downloaded
It makes me draw closer to God anytime I listen to it. I love worshipping God through songs and this fit perfectly
Thank you, Lord bless the artist for these wonderful lyrics
Opok Joseph
I love the comment, We are created for the glory of God
Shan – YES. This. Repetition is definitely talked about in the book of Revelation.
You still reserve the right to dock points for repetition strictly out of preference of style, though, Vince. I love this site. Keep up the great work.
Mark Shane
Sad that we are grading music written to worship our creator and Lord based on our personal preference. Do you think your preference is going to matter in Heaven? “Hey, God, can we do a different song? This one isn’t my fav.”
Sad that there are websites, blogs, and YouTube channels devoted to being critical of others for their expression of worship.
Our humanness is so fickle and petty.
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such is good for building up, as fits the occasion,that it may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29
Vince Wright
Thank you for your comment!
What you said pierced my soul and broke my heart. it gave me a swift kick in the pants that forced me to re-examine my position on repetition and its relation to Berean Test reviews.
Expect to see an announcement tomorrow.
-Vince Wright
Robert Peurifoy
Recent comments concerning “The Blessings” seem to miss something. These comments say this song is all about “Me.” That it is selfish and self absorbed. I do not find this to be the truth.
If this is the case, then every pastor who uses the Aaronic blessing at the end of a worship service should cease to do so.
This song isn’t about me. It is about blessing others.
Robert C. Peurifoy,
Pastor, retired
Mark – Can you clarify what you mean by “grading music based on personal preference”? I ask b/c Vince has actually outlined his criteria here: https://www.thebereantest.com/criteria-for-evaluating-christian-music
Perhaps I’m missing what you are trying to say, but it seems like either
1) you are saying that repetition should not be included in the evaluation (since its subjective), to be as objective as possible
or 2) that we should *not be analyzing the music presented to the church / used by Christians at all, because that can *only be done in a way that is judgmental/hypocritical/unrighteous/etc…Basically, who are we to question how someone else worships God.
If you mean the 2nd, I think Eph. chapter 4 would actually support the idea of evaluating what we say/sing/do, as part of maturing in the faith, renewing our mind, putting on the new self, etc… Specifically thinking Ephesians 4:11-15, and Ephesians 4:17-25
Deborah Howard
I am not a skilled songwriter or gifted musician, but I heard this worship song for the first time as I was driving across the state to a wedding shower for my eldest son’s fiancé. It is a prayer based on scripture set to music. My heart was overwhelmed by the words reminding me of how the Lord loves us as his children. Far more and better than we can in our human frailty. The words declare a blessing from our heavenly Father. The song is simple..anyone can sing it and give glory to God as they do. And, as I sang along with all the repetition, I praised my God for his goodness, grace, and faithfulness and prayed this blessing in faith for my son and his soon to be bride and their future family, and their children and their children and their children unto a thousand generations.
EDIT: Removed first sentence, which replied to a comment now deleted.
I Amen that!
Valerie Rimstidt
Jeff, YES!!
Ashley Noelle
I agree with this. It’s an amazing song because it’s based on everything the Father’s covenant promises—but at the same time it is just as important to emphasize the part we are to play in that covenant. Obedience, faithfulness, perseverance, persecution when necessary. We are so very blessed to receive the favor of the Most High God, but that means we are also tasked with responsibilities just as far-reaching.
Aside from that, I always find it ironic that the church is perfectly fine with pulling from Israel’s blessings, but don’t want to sanctify the actual Sabbath as Israel is called to do, or share in the feasts of our Father as Israel is called. Yes, the people of the Most High are Israel, including the church—it’s not a genetics thing; but if that’s the case (and it is) then we are held to the same expectations in that regard, save for anything Levitical post-golden calf, as that was added after the covenant and has since been made obsolete via the blood of our Savior.
But that’s just my two cents.
Tammy Andrews
Yeah I hear you Jeff. I have really really struggled with this song. The purpose of the blessing in the first place was for the Lord to put His name on this group of people. And then we read in 1 Chron 7:14, what is expected of the people who are called by His name. I just felt last year that it was a bit of a ‘pathetic’ reflection of where our Christian society is at – so ready to seek out God’s favour and blessing but oh so slow to come back to His word, to repent, to truly seek His face and not just sing songs… I’m making a sweeping generalisation but that’s what I see amidst our churches in the western world who perhaps have idols of safety, comfort, and convenience and very little desire truly get to know Him and love Him and serve Him!!
If they had couched this song in the appropriate context with the responsibility that is laid out for those receiving the blessing, I would feel really differently about it all, but alas it made just made me sad.
I agree wholeheartedly. Today’s society readily seeks the blessings of the Lord but scorns any form of repentance that should accompany those blessings. I’ve always found this song to be very man-centered even as it uses a blessing from scripture. It is unfortunate to consider but I would venture to guess that a large majority of the song’s audience falsely believe the blessings promised by this song are material or emotional blessings simply because that is the current focus of society and the most popular reason many seek God.
It is completely unfit for corporate worship without a firm warning about the scripture’s true meaning and in that case, could we not just pick something that doesn’t require explaining?
I agree with you as well Renee, and sadly it’s nothing surprising being the fact that this song was written by people who are heavily connected with churches that are not biblically sound and teach heresy (just listen to the messages from Elevation church and Gateway -very evidently self-centered and all about what profits them). But, it’s being readily accepted in Christianity today by watering down the gospel making it all about “us” rather than about the Lord. However, if you say something about it, they will just say you are being judgmental and YET It does not matter what other people say because only what God says is what truly matters. We are called to be bereans and fruit inspectors and I will personally not partake in messages or worship that supports heretical teachings even if they may “sound biblical”. Thank you for speaking out the truth in love, it takes great courage and it’s what this world really needs even though it may not be what it wants. God bless you! 🙂 To God be the glory!!
Vince Wright
Thank you for your comment!
I just wanted you to be aware that at The Berean Test, I focus on the lyrics regardless of what the artist teaches. Usually, I delete these sorts of posts; However, I allowed it because the majority of what you had to say is directed towards the song in question or another person’s comments. Although I largely agree with your comments about Elevation’s teachings, in the future, let’s stay on topic and discuss the lyrical content without bringing in artist personal beliefs and theology into the discussion. While important, discussing the artists’ teachings and theology tends to start arguments and becomes unfruitful. As I said, it is important, which is why my review contains a Resources link for anyone who wants to learn more about Elevation’s theology. However, I won’t allow discussion of it on this site. There are plenty of other spaces for such deliberation.
I hope you understand my reasoning.
-Vince Wright
I completely agree with you. Yesss! This is the way I view all these type songs but if I were to say this to the average professing Christian I would get hung at high noon
Sure, selfishness can be an issue in modern worship music, but sometimes, in the disgusting, evil, cruel curse of life, people get overwhelmed and need a reminder that God does, in fact love us, contrary to every single shred of our existence. Feelings cannot be put over faith, of course, but being imprisoned in these physical bodies for decades, with only the obligations of faith and never actually feeling loved by God, is a truly horrible and punishing way to live. While I wasn’t expecting it, this song has been a real blessing to me, as it helps me remember that while every thing is falling apart and misery comes wave after wave, this life is only temporary, and God made a promise, which He WILL keep. Because I have accepted Jesus as Savior and received His salvation, I know that when I die I will finally know God’s love. This song reminds me of that, and that hope keeps me going.
I totally agree that unbelievers in a worship service would certainly conclude that all the ‘blessings’ mentioned would apply to them as well…which is very dangerous. Its not just the music but sermons as well that talk about all the benefits we have who are IN Christ and many lost people hear these things and think they assume that the words apply to them as well. It is necessary to make this distinction so that lost people are not given false assurance of being a Christian and having eternal hope.
Repetition is bad. It’s good in your work and training to help you build muscle memory, but vain repetition of words is definitely bad. By webster definition, that’s called “mantra”, and Jesus specifically warned against that. And don’t forget, it is the famous saying of the embodiment of the devil, that repeating a lie a hundred times makes it a truth.
Jamodu Funmilayo Tosin
Hello Vince, just stumbled on your page for the first time and I love love love. Your perception and replies are so mature and absolutely Christlike. To the Pastor that says he doesn’t think his congregation should sing the blessing, this is my simple response, the best way to remember scripture is to sing it as a song. It stays and lives with you forever. Allow them enjoy the blessing.
Vince Wright
Welcome to The Berean Test!
Thank you for your comment and compliments. I appreciate it!
-Vince Wright
Jason Doubleday
There is a tendency for Christian to look at people outside the Church, with an attitude tainted with contempt. The repetition of the phrase “He is for you…” has caused me to understand, with new clarity, what i thought i knew. God is for lost people, he is so for them that he sent his only son so that they might believe and have eternal life. If God is so for them, should we be against them in anyway?
Vince Wright
-Vince Wright
I agree in a meeting, where this fits is important, as you suggested at the end is a good place.
This song being mostly scripture, repetition is good. We have strong mindsets often & this song breaks through IF you don’t get bored & instead, let it wash over you till the truth of God’s Word & character breaks through. It will ruin you & transform you at the same time, as the faithfulness of God dawns on our unbelieving dark corners.
Jim Bomar
Jim Bomar: I agree with Stephan Briton, I have teach children & youth for 40 year and have always believed that the message God spoke to Jerusalem in Isaiah 28 means there is some lessons about him that can only be learned through the patient prodding of repetition. Line upon line, precept upon precept.
Mark Ephgrave
Stephen Brinton, I like your point:
“If we think, having heard the words once through, “we get it” perhaps we haven’t – perhaps to go deeper takes time, perhaps “seeking” takes time and yes “repetition” until the truth of the scripture really captivates our spirit – beyond our mind.”
Isn’t this reminiscent of what Biblical meditation is? Chewing over, poring over, considering again and again, pondering upon the Word of God. Repeating it.
If we agree that this song is scripturally based then isn’t it a good thing, at times, to repeat it over until it sinks in.
And to the point from another post about whether it is right for a congregation to sing this… I would ask, are we not a royal priesthood as believers? Jesus is our High Priest after the order of Melchizedek. Okay, so that’s not Aaron and his sons, which means either no-one now can say it or sing it OR perhaps all believers can sing it to/over each other and over their families etc.
Marie Perry
Good review! I love the repetition – when I am struggling under a circumstance, I appreciate that repetitiveness because it helps me to remember scripture and the things that God wants me to remember, and i can sing it over myself and my situation.
Susan Houston
How many times did God say “fear not,” and yet we are fearful of so much in this world. Repeating the refrains, the verses is for emphasis, to reinforce the message. We need it because we forget too quickly and go back to fear. This song is a reminder of His love, and that can’t be said enough.
Robert Peurifoy
Susan, it has been years since I counted, but in some form or way the scriptures, Old and New, say in some for “Fear not” over 250 times. One for every day of the week except weekends. The term bless is also used the same way.
I agree, Stephen. Beautifully stated.
David T Leffingwell
Exactly correct in ever respect!
Kristina Olney
Daniel Jones
Bless you for your statement!
Well said!
I often am forced to watch the same commercial 4x in a row on internet TV
However I accept that it is their way of getting my attention..
Maybe this song will get the world’s attention and since when is Gods own words nauseating repetition?
The writer of the article should tread lightly when condemning a song entirely derived fro Gods own book.
Vince Wright
Thank you for your comment!
Can you explain how an overall 9.5/10 rating is “condemning a song entirely derived from God’s own book”?
As for “Maybe this song will get the world’s attention and since when is Gods own words nauseating repetition?”, it’s not God’s Word that is nauseating repetition. It’s the way in which the artist chose to present it.
-Vince Wright
Stephen, I agree with you whole heartedly. I know that historically hard and fearful times have caused believers to draw themselves closer to God. We have a tendency to wander off and need to be drawn back by our Good Shepherd. One thing about The Blessing is a musical technique that it uses. It starts with a quiet blesssing that you want to receive and tten begins to rise in intensity with repetition. When it finally get from your head to your heart that you, an individual, are being given this blessing. That God, the Creator of all things, is actually looking at you; then the next verse says, “Oh, by the way,…” His favor is upon you too. Oh, and His presence, oh, and He surrounds you… It is humbly to know that God is not only for the Body of Christ but for each and every one of us individually. Thus the repetition of the blessings as well as the amens. We need this in this time that the world is constantly telling us that the collective is important but not individuals. So the music rises in intensity to help bring that understanding from our heads to our hearts which brings deeper faith to our struggling minds.
Comfort to all, Maggie
Bonnie Bailey
I’ve been fascinated by this song since the first time I heard it. It does seem to be inspired by God, based on the worldwide response. I can’t think of anything negative about the YouTube videos featured from all around the world. Whether or not it should be sung in church, I don’t really care. It appears to be an ‘encouraging word’ set to music. (Thus the copyright for the original piece of music.) I think it is intended to be heard by any who will receive it. I don’t think the timing was an accident. At the end of the year, I expect it to be the most ‘covered’ of any in a long time, maybe ever.
Ferdinand Ibu Ogbaji
“Day and night, they never stop singing ‘holy,holy,holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was ,who is, and who is to come”- Rev. 4:8.
We’ll be doing a lot of what we might call repetition in heaven, but it’ll be to the awe provoking majesty of our God and His Christ. The repetition will be to a new experience of His glory.
Steven Malaki
Well said ..repetition has a place in laying emphasis on truth and yes drowning out other negative information overloads
Stephen, you have expressed so well what has been going through my mind for months. Thank you!
Holly Schafer
I agree. I actually have made a play list of only this song to give me 30 minutes of meditative background to my prayers. And I find it very much a good help to encourage quieting my mind and focusing on Jesus.
Robert Peurifoy
I am trying to do a recording of the several different versions, particularly in the different languages. I also leave it playing on the TV when away as a “cleansing” of the house.
Fernanda Mida
Stephen, I couldn’t agree more! Blessed words
For me, the repetition did just that… I struggle from anxiety and this song just kept making its way into my mind and I couldn’t get it out. At different times, it was different parts of the song that would come to mind. It was so encouraging for me… knowing that The Lord does keep me and give me peace… HIs presence goes before me and He is ever present… it became almost a battle cry as I engage in a battle that is not of flesh and blood…
I am not a fan of repetition.
Samantha Allende
When I first heard this worship song, I immediately cried. It took everything that I read in the Bible about God’s love for me and wrapped it into the biggest blessing God can give us. His LOVE…Jesus is love. How much more can God prove His love for us. He gave us His only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sins so that we don’t perish and for us to have everlasting life with Him in Heaven.
Zach Pyron
For believers who are under a new, better covenant brought about by a greater, better Prophet, fulfilled by a final, best Lamb, why sing about blessings that God promised to a people under a different covenant as though they apply to us?
When Jesus died on the cross, he ended the need for Temple worship (hence, the curtain was torn). Christ fulfilled the law completely, not just in part. He brought about a new covenant marked by the widespread indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus taught about the blessings we could experience–persecution and hardship–when we follow Him. So does the blessing pronounced over Moses-era Israel even have any application to us at all? I don’t think so, not any more than I believe the purity, sacrificial, food and drink, or cultural laws apply to us. We don’t sacrifice sheep. We don’t leave our homes or camps for a week to purify ourselves, nor do we need a priest to call us clean. We don’t wear garments according to the Mosaic Law. (Principles remain – love your neighbors, don’t be a pagan, there’s only one God.)
“The Blessing” is misleading to the believer, not just the unbeliever. If we embrace the blessings of Moses-era Israel, we can expect to miss out on the blessings of Christ–joining Him in His suffering.
Consider also, in the OT, repetition conveys importance; indeed, the more often something is said and/or repeated, is an indication of an exponential amplification of the statement; e.g. “…”Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory” (Isa 6:3; Rev 4:8; NAS95). TO be sure, nothing could be more true than to amplify God’s great holiness! Similarly, repeating “May His favor be upon you and a thousand generations, and your family and your children, and their children, and their children…” certainly conveys a beautiful blessing any person should feel blessed to hear, let alone to hear it repeated and be able to meditate on the idea and His inscrutable love for us!