
Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

by Vince Wright | February 26, 2025 | 11:59 am

Thank you for your interest in submitting a guest review!

I need your help to review songs that are scheduled, “extra songs”, new submissions, and additional songs that did not pass polling.  The entire list can be found at Upcoming Reviews.

The guest review process is as follows:

  1. Use the Contact Me form with an email address that you check and the name of the artist and song you would like to review.  Ensure that you put “Guest Review” in the subject.
  2. I will respond to you via email.  However, if your email address bounces back, I will post a temporary comment on this page to communicate with you anonymously, that your email address didn’t work and will ask you to send it to me again.  Thus, if you don’t hear from me, check this page for comments.
  3. You will agree that you will not be compensated for your work, must agree to affirm the Statement of Faith at the bottom of this post, and must properly cite outside sources, and that you understand that I, Vince Wright, reserves the right to approve, reject, edit, or delete guest reviews at his discretion.  Also, you will be permitted to copy + paste from my previous reviews without citing me.
  4. I’ll confirm your agreement and selected song(s) in my response email.
  5. Upon confirmation, write the review(s) that follows my evaluation criteria using the Guest Review Template, which excludes commentary about the artist on their theology.  Reviews should focus solely on the merits of the song.

    Feel free to download and use Bible Verses by Topic to copy + paste Scripture into your review.  I developed this document to save me time when similar topics appear in different songs.  If you want to add additional Scripture to a topic on your review, let me know so that I can research it.  This website uses code from Faithlife Reftagger that will automatically convert Scripture to NASB links, meaning that you don’t need to spend time linking each Scripture individually.

  6. Submit your review via email.
  7. I’ll examine the review and make changes as needed.  Then I’ll send the review back to you with a publishing date.  If you don’t like my changes, let me know.  Otherwise, the review will post as scheduled with your name as the author.

You may also sign up to review a song not on any list, provided that you are not self-reviewing your own song and that the song does not contain excessive foul language, does not glorify drugs, sex, rape, abuse, murder, or any other heinous crime.  English only!  If you sign up for a Christmas song review, let me know ahead of time so that I can schedule it for December.

If you signed up for a scheduled song, ensure that you submit your review four days before the scheduled date.  I will accept partially completed reviews.  For example, if the song is to be released on February 23rd, then you should submit your song by the end of February 19th, even if it’s only partially done.  This will give me time to write the review myself or examine the review before it goes live.

Finally, if more than one person requests to review a song, I will select the person who requested it first.


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NOTE: CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER FOR EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS! All comments must be approved prior to posting. Comments outside the scope of Berean Test reviews (especially on artist theology) will be edited and/or deleted. ENGLISH ONLY!

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