Photo by Arnaud Jaegers
Fellow Bereans,
I had an idea that I’d like to run by you by way of a poll. I was thinking about expanding polling to a dual elimination round system. Sort of a mini-bracket tournament of sorts. It works like this:
1. A total of 32 songs are submitted for polling.
2. Same rule apply to usual polls. 8 songs per poll, vote up to 3, earlier submission breaks ties, etc. Except that in the first round, the top 4 songs voted advances to the second round. Meaning that there is 32 songs that come in and 16 that advance to the final round.
3. The usual rules apply to second round polls, including top two songs that will be reviewed in each final poll.
4. All the songs that didn’t make it to the end are added to the “extra songs” list and can be resubmitted.
This idea adds some extra work on my part but has a few benefits:
1. We can include 32 songs per month in polling instead of the usual 16.
2. The second round polls will be a lot more interesting since it will consist of songs that passed the first poll.
3. The submission form can stay open for a little bit longer.
What do you think? Are you in favor of this idea or not? Let me know by voting. Feel free to comment also.
- Yes 47%, 36 votes36 votes 47%36 votes - 47% of all votes
- I don't care I just want more reviews! 44%, 34 votes34 votes 44%34 votes - 44% of all votes
- I haven't bathed in a week and wanted to tell someone about my lack of hygiene 8%, 6 votes6 votes 8%6 votes - 8% of all votes
- No 1%, 1 vote1 vote 1%1 vote - 1% of all votes
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