Photo by Nick Fewings
Scottish Christian artist Jamie Kimmett is a one-hit wonder. His only releases are an album and EP that shares the same title as this song review, both in 2019.
Lyrics can be found at https://genius.com/Jamie-kimmett-prize-worth-fighting-for-lyrics.
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1. What message does the song communicate?
Though Kimmett wavered in his faith, Jesus helped him realize that He was worth sacrificing for. Looking beyond life’s troubles, Kimmett embraces Christ’s call to action, that is, to live for Him.
Score: 10/10
2. How much of the lyrics line up with Scripture?
[Verse 1]
Lines 1-4: Most likely, signs that Kimmett forgot his first love (Revelation 2:4).
[Verse 2]
Lines 1 and 2: There is life after death. Kimmett believes he will spend his with Jesus (Mark 10:29-30, John 3:15-16, John 3:36, John 4:14, John 5:24, John 5:39-40, John 6:27, John 6:40, John 10:28, John 17:3, John 20:31, Romans 5:21, Romans 6:22-23, Romans 8:18, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, Galatians 6:8, 1 Timothy 1:16, 1 Timothy 6:12, 2 Timothy 2:11, Hebrews 5:9, 1 Peter 5:10, 1 John 2:23-27, 1 John 5:10-13, 1 John 5:20, Jude 1:20-21, Revelation 3:5, Revelation 7:16-17, and Revelation 21:3-4).
Lines 3 and 4: Kimmett counted the cost of following Jesus (Luke 14:25-33).
Line 1: It is Christ’s love that is the prize for enduring the race (1 Corinthians 9:27).
Line 2: Repeats line 1.
Lines 1 and 2: Describes internal warfare (Matthew 4:1-11, Romans 7:14-25, Ephesians 6:12-17, and 2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
Lines 3 and 4: See Pre-Chorus-, line 1.
Lines 5 and 6: Similar to lines 1 and 2.
Lines 7 and 8: Repeats lines 3 and 4.
[Verse 3]
Lines 1-4: The only new idea here is that God’s grace never fails. It is always, well, gracious (Genesis 15:6, Exodus 33:19, Psalm 32:1-2, Romans 3:21-24, Romans 4:3-8, Romans 5:1-2, Romans 5:6-8, Romans 5:15-21, Romans 6:14, Romans 8:1-4, Romans 9:14-16, Romans 11:5-6, Galatians 2:21, Galatians 3:6, Galatians 5:4, Ephesians 1:7, Ephesians 2:4-9, 2 Thessalonians 2:16, Titus 2:11, 1 Timothy 1:15-16, and James 2:23).
LIne 1: Repeats Pre-Chorus, line 1.
Line 2: Essentially repeats Chorus, line 4.
Line 3: Explicitly states Jesus as the prize that is worth the sacrifice.
LInes 1-5: Repeats/essentially repeats Chorus, lines 1-4.
Score: 10/10
3. How would an outsider interpret the song?
Unbelievers will easily conclude that Christ is the Christian’s ultimate destination and goal. Jesus is explicitly stated near the end as such, acting as the summary for the entire song. This song contains easy to digest language that aids their interpretation.
Score: 10/10
4. What does this song glorify?
It glorifies Jesus as the final destination and treasure that Kimmett seeks.
Score: 10/10
Closing Comments
Jamie Kimmett’s Prize Worth Fighting For is Biblical. It covers sacrifice as the primary avenue to Jesus, both His to save us and ours to show our obedience. These bring Him glory. Unbelievers should be able to follow suit.
This song is appropriate for corporate worship.
Final Score: 10/10
Artist Info
Track: Prize Worth Fighting For (listen to the song)
Artist: Jamie Kimmett
Album: Prize Worth Fighting For
Genre: Pop
Release Year: 2019
Duration: 3:21
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