Photo by Jonas Weckschmied
Modern hymnists Keith & Kristyn Getty have been in the music business since Keith started in 1995. They married in 2004 and have co-authored music since then, often with the help of fellow artist Stuart Townend.
Keith’s most famous song, In Christ Alone, co-written with Townend, received much controversy over their line, “Till on that cross as Jesus died/the wrath of God was satisfied”. Presbyterian Church requested to change it to “the love of God was magnified”, rejecting the Biblical doctrine of propitiation. Keith Getty and Stuart Townend refused to change the lyric, resulting in its exclusion from Presbyterian hymnals.
The Getty’s released fourteen albums and one EP together, including:
- New Irish Hymns 3: Incarnation (2004)
- New Irish Hymns 4: Hymns for the Life of the Church (2005)
- Songs That Jesus Said (2005)
- The Apostles’ Creed (2006)
- Modern Hymns Live (2006)
- In Christ Alone (2007)
- Keswick Live (2008)
- Awaken the Dawn (2009)
- Joy – An Irish Christmas (2011)
- Hymns for the Christian Life (2012)
- Modern and Traditional Hymns: Live at the Gospel Coalition (2013)
- Facing A Task Unfinished (2016)
- The North Coast Sessions (2018)
- His Mercy Is More (2019)
- Resurrection – EP (2020)
See What A Morning (Resurrection Hymn) was co-written with Stuart Townend. Therefore, I added a separate entry in the Song Review Index for him.
Also, check out my review of In Christ Alone, Christ Our Hope in Life and Death, and My Worth Is Not in What I Own.
Note to new users: This is a different kind of review site! Read About the Berean Test and Evaluation Criteria prior to reading this review.
1. What message does the song communicate?
This song retells events that occurred when the three women, Mary Magdalene, another Mary, and Salome, went to visit the tomb of Jesus. They came to anoint his dead body with spices. On the way, they heard an angelic announcement that Jesus rose from the dead! Mary Magdalene went into the tomb, seeing two more angels inside and folded grave clothes. She wept, inquiring where Jesus went. Behind her was the Risen Lord, who called out her name. She recognized Him and was overjoyed!
This song also cites other claims, including:
- The Risen Jesus is the hope for all mankind.
- God’s love for us compelled Jesus to die for our sins.
- Jesus is eternal and speaks life.
- Jesus is one with the Father and sent the Spirit to testify about Him.
- We respond to Christ in worship.
- We will be raised with Christ when He comes again.
Score: 10/10
2. How much of the lyrics line up with Scripture?
The entire song is Biblical.
Lyrics posted with permission.*
[Verse 1]
See, what the morning, gloriously bright,
With the dawning of hope in Jerusalem;
Scripture states that the empty tomb was discovered at dawn or early morning (Matthew 28:1, Luke 24:1, and John 20:1). This marks the beginning of hope that Jerusalem may have by placing their trust in the resurrected Jesus (Romans 5:1-8, Romans 8:24-39, Romans 15:13, 1 Corinthians 15:54-58, and 1 Peter 1:3-6).
Folded the graveclothes, tomb filled with light,
Peter and John saw that the burial linen Jesus wore was folded (Luke 24:12 and John 20:5-7).
As the angels announce Christ is risen!
When Mary Magdalene, another Mary, and Salome went to anoint Jesus’ lifeless body, an angel announced that Christ is risen (Matthew 28:5-6).
See God’s salvation plan, wrought in love,
Borne in pain, paid in sacrifice,
Fulfilled in Christ, the Man, for He lives:
Jesus demonstrates His love for us through sacrifice, paying for our lawbreaking (John 3:16 and Romans 5:6-8).
Christ is risen from the dead!
Christ is risen indeed (Matthew 28:1-20, Mark 16:1-20, Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-29, Acts 1:3, Acts 3:15, Acts 4:33, and 1 Corinthians 15:3-8)!
[Verse 2]
See Mary weeping, “Where is He laid?”
That is, Mary Magdalene. According to John’s account of these events, she wept, inquiring of the two angels, who were inside the empty tomb, where Jesus is (John 20:11-13).
As in sorrow she turns from the empty tomb;
Hears a voice speaking, calling her name;
It’s the Master, the Lord raised to life again!
Though Magdalene did not recognize Him at first, when Jesus said her name, her eyes were opened and she saw the risen Lord (John 20:14-16).
The voice that spans the years, speaking life,
That is, the voice of Jesus, who exists eternally, (John 8:58, Colossians 1:13-17, and Hebrews 13:8) and has the words of eternal life (John 6:67-68).
Stirring hope, bringing peace to us,
Will sound ’til He appears, for He lives,
For “hope”, see commentary on Verse 1, lines 1 and 2. As for “peace”, this talks about internal peace that Christ brings (John 14:27, John 16:29-33, Romans 5:1, Ephesians 2:14-15, and Colossians 3:15). He did not come to bring external peace, but a dividing sword (Matthew 10:34 and Luke 12:51).
This hope and peace Christ brings is available to everyone to receive until they either die (Hebrews 9:27) or Jesus returns to judge us (Matthew 24:43, Acts 1:9-11, 1 Corinthians 11:26, 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4, 2 Peter 3:10, and Revelation 16:15).
Christ is risen from the dead!
Repeats Verse 1, line 8.
[Verse 3]
One with the Father, Ancient of Days,
Jesus stated that He and the Father are one in John 10:30. The “Ancient of Days” is part of a prophecy given in Daniel 7:9, most likely referencing God the Father.
Through the Spirit who clothes faith with certainty,
That is, the Holy Spirit brings assurance to our faith in Jesus (Luke 3:22, John 15:26, Acts 5:27-32, Romans 8:16, 1 John 3:23-24, and 1 John 5:6-9).
Honor and blessing, glory and praise
We respond in worship, much like Jesus’ followers worshipped Him (Matthew 14:28-33, Matthew 28:16-17, and Luke 24:50-53).
To the King crowned with power and authority.
That is, Jesus is King (Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 11:10, Micah 5:2, Matthew 2:1-6, John 12:15, John 18:37, 1 Timothy 6:13-16, Revelation 17:14, and Revelation 19:11-16).
And we are raised with Him, death is dead,
Love was won, Christ has conquered.
This speaks of the final resurrection that is to come, where we are raised with Christ in our glorified, spiritual bodies (Luke 20:34-38, Acts 24:15-16, Romans 6:1-5, Romans 8:11-13, 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 1 Corinthians 15:50-56, 2 Corinthians 4:13-14, and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).
And we shall reign with Him, for He lives,
For a thousand years, the saints will reign with Jesus (Revelation 20:4-6).
Christ is risen from the dead!
Repeats Verse 1, line 8.
Score: 10/10
3. How would an outsider interpret the song?
Those who do not yet follow Jesus should immediately conclude that Jesus rose from the dead. The Getty’s say as much three times, summarizing the entire song in a single sentence. I imagine that most people have gone to at least one Easter Sunday service, hearing about Mary Magdelene who saw the Risen Lord, so it’s hard for me to believe that this entire account would sail over their heads. If they haven’t read/heard it, the Getty’s make it easy to follow along.
I would think that the only confusing part would be about the Spirit’s “clothing faith with certainty”. They would likely think it figurative and may search for its meaning.
Score: 9/10
4. What does this song glorify?
It glorifies the resurrection of Jesus and the hope that comes with it.
Score: 10/10
Closing Comments
Keith & Kristyn Getty’s See What A Morning (Resurrection Hymn) is a beautiful song about Christ’s resurrection. They also claim that Christ is the hope for mankind, He paid for our sins, we respond to Him in communal worship, and will see Him again, bringing glory to Jesus. Unbelievers should have little issue arriving at similar conclusions, possibly confused by the Holy Spirit’s role.
I highly recommend this for corporate worship.
Final Score: 9.5/10
Artist Info
Track: See What A Morning (Resurrection Hymn) (listen to the song)
Artist: Keith & Kristyn Getty
Album: In Christ Alone
Genre: Hymn
Release Year: 2003 (single), 2006 (album)
Duration: 3:29
Agree? Disagree? Don’t be shy or have a cow! Calmly and politely state your case in a comment, below.
*Copyright © 2003 Thankyou Music (PRS) (adm. worldwide at CapitolCMGPublishing.com excluding Europe which is adm. by Integrity Music, part of the David C Cook family. Songs@integritymusic.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.
10/18/2022 – Forgot to include a summary of section 2. Also, fixed formatting issues with the lyrics.
03/25/2021 – Updated per repetition announcement.
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