Photo by Arnaud Jaegers
Thank you for voting on my restaurant poll! Taste is the winner, proving that we’re willing to pay a premium for quality food. I’ll let the restaurants know…
I have an extra spot for one more review in March! I also have a small list of Lauren Daigle reviews that you requested. In a vain attempt to reduce the ever-increasing number of requests in my queue (currently 35 songs deep), I will schedule one Lauren Daigle review at the end of March. All you have to do is vote for it!
Only the top vote will make it. In the event of a tie, my 2-year-old daughter will decide. This will simultaneously randomize the results and introduce my daughter to the wonderful world of decision-making.
Pick up to two songs. This poll will close at 11:59 PM on Friday, February 28th, 2019, EDT time zone.
March Poll III - Lauren Daigle Review (pick up to two)
- Come Alive (Dry Bones) (43%, 6 Votes)
- Rebel Heart (14%, 2 Votes)
- Love like This (14%, 2 Votes)
- Everything (14%, 2 Votes)
- Remember (14%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 9

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