Photo by Arnaud Jaegers
Happy new year!
Thank you for voting on my February poll! After some feedback, I am considering more variety in my polls to stay engaged with you. If you have any ideas, feel free to contact me! I’ll give you full credit! For now, below are the top three winners from last month’s poll:
- Kari Jobe – Forever
- Newsboys – We Believe
- Third Day – Soul on Fire
As usual, below are eight songs requested for review. Vote for up to three songs. The top three winners will be scheduled for review in March 2019. This poll will close at 11:59 PM on Monday, January 14th, 2019.
Don’t like any of the options? Consider submitting a song for review for future polls.
March - Which songs would you like us to review? Pick up to three.
- Vertical Worship - Spirit of the Living God (29%, 6 Votes)
- UPPERROOM - Surrounded (Fight My Battles) (24%, 5 Votes)
- Audrey Assad - Good To Me (14%, 3 Votes)
- William McDowell - When you walk into the room (10%, 2 Votes)
- Jesus Culture (Feat. Chris McClarney) - Move (10%, 2 Votes)
- Wolves At The Gate - The Bird and the Snake (5%, 1 Votes)
- Cimorelli - Hope For It (5%, 1 Votes)
- You are loving in all Your ways (5%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 8

Agree? Disagree? Don’t be shy or have a cow! Calmly and politely state your case in a comment, below.
Linda Warner
I love this song. Your comments make me live it more. Thank you o
lost or just less found
Hi! I think Upperroom is the original artist for Surrounded https://youtu.be/NoAqymNcBTk
Just thought you might be interested to know 🙂
Thank you! I updated it.