Photo by Chad Kirchoff
TobyMac is a name familiar with many. Since his days in DC Talk, Kevin Michael McKeehan has done rap, hip-hop, CCM, and rock and roll. He is a songwriter, record producer, and book writer. He won many accolades from the Grammy’s, Dove, Billboard Music, and AMA’s. He is a father of 5, including his son Truett, now known as TruDog (or TRU). Truett appeared on several albums, including Welcome to Diverse City, Portable Sounds, Tonight, Eye on It, and This is Not a Test.
His latest single I Just Need U. released about two months ago and received much praise! Given the talents of this artist, I have high hopes for this song.
Lyrics can be found at https://genius.com/Tobymac-i-just-need-u-lyrics.
Note to new users: This is a different kind of review site! Read About the Berean Test and Evaluation Criteria prior to reading this review.
1. What message does the song communicate?
When good or bad things happen, “You” is his hope. The inclusion of the word “Lord” and obvious reference to Psalm 23:4 helps us identify “You” as God. Rather than focusing on his problems, TobyMac turns to God as the object of His focus and finds comfort in His arms. He recognizes that his will is not Godly and requires intervention to break his natural inclination to sin.
Score: 10/10
2. How much of the lyrics line up with Scripture?
All lines are in agreement with God’s Holy Word.
[Verse 1]
Lines 1-5: Though TobyMac does not specify what “put the heavy” on him, he is distressed about feelings of loneliness and the up’s and down’s of life.
Line 6: TobyMac cannot rely solely upon himself to face each day. He requires assistance.
[Pre-Chorus 1]
Lines 1 and 2: Did anyone else think of Star Wars when reading this line? You know, the one in Episode IV, where Leah says, in a holographic message stuck inside R2D2, “Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope”? Just me? Oh, Ok. Now, where did I put my Bible? Ah yes, here it is. Top shelf.
Kidding aside, there’s a plethora of Scripture that speaks on the hope we have in God, including Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 33:20, Psalm 39:7, Psalm 62:5, Isaiah 40:31, Isaiah 41:10, Matthew 11:28-30, Romans 5:1-8, Romans 8:24-39, Romans 15:13, 1 Corinthians 15:54-58, and 1 Peter 1:3-6.
Lines 1-10: As Christ-followers, we have a personal, intimate relationship with the God who created us (Acts 17:27, Romans 8:15, John 15:1-11, Romans 11:16-24, 1 John 4:10). Our circumstances may not change, but we rely upon God, who is faithful even when we are faithless (2 Timothy 2:13).
Lines 1-3: Quotes from Psalm 23:4.
[Verse 2]
Lines 1 and 2: Ties in the aforementioned Psalm 23:4 with TobyMac’s distress. God is His comfort.
Line 3: Who is this “Soul Protector”? Given the context, I think we can safely assume this is God and safely apply Ruth 2:12, 2 Samuel 22:3-4, Psalm 3:3, Psalm 5:11, Psalm 18:30, Psalm 27:1, Psalm 32:7, Psalm 34:22, Psalm 41:2, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 57:1, Psalm 59:1, Psalm 61:3, Psalm 91:1-16, Psalm 118:8, Psalm 121:7-8, Psalm 138:7, Proverbs 18:10, Proverbs 30:5, Nahum 1:7, 2 Thessalonians 3:3, and 1 John 5:18.
Line 4: Refers to original sin. See Genesis 3:22, Genesis 8:21, Job 15:14-16, Psalm 14:2-3, Psalm 51:5, Proverbs 22:15, Jeremiah 17:9, Romans 3:10-18, Romans 5:12, Romans 6:23, and Ephesians 2:2-3.
Line 1: As TobyMac walks closer to God, he becomes more alive like God. He decreases while God increases (John 3:30).
Lines 2-4: Repeats line 1.
[Pre-Chorus 2]
Lines 1-5: All lines are also in the Chorus.
Lines 1-6: Essentially the same message as the chorus.
Score: 10/10
3. How would an outsider interpret the song?
Unbelievers will easily understand that TobyMac needs God, even if they don’t know why or comprehend their need for a Savior. He is the crutch by which TobyMac depends.
Bridge might be more difficult to interpret without a basic understanding of a Christ-followers transformation from deadness in sin to alive in Jesus; However, it makes up a small portion of the song.
Score: 9/10
4. What does this song glorify?
It glorifies God by displaying TobyMac’s inability to get through life without Him.
Score: 10/10
Closing Comments
TobyMac’s I Just Need U. brings comfort to those who are hurting. He instructs us to trust God through all circumstances, bringing Him glory. Aside from the experiential transformation from death to life, unbelievers will have little issue interpreting this song.
This song is inspirational, but not appropriate for corporate worship.
Final Score: 9.5/10
Artist Info
Track: I Just Need U. (listen to the song)
Artist: TobyMac
Album: The Elements
Genre: Hip Hop/Rap, Rock
Release Year: 2018
Duration: 3:46
Agree? Disagree? Don’t be shy or have a cow! Calmly and politely state your case in a comment, below.
03/25/2021 – Updated per repetition announcement.
04/22/2020 – Inspired by Jimmy Wilson’s words, I re-reviewed the song without a requirement to explain the Gospel. I also broke section 2 by line as I have done in other reviews. This drastically raised this song’s score, from 4/10 to 9.5/10. I also added the album title.
04/18/2019 – Fixed grammatical and tense errors in section 3 thanks to commenter Sean Boen.
Jimmy Wilson
I ran across this review while searching for the lyrics to include in a sermon I was preparing. I was deeply saddened by the misunderstanding expressed in the review, and final analysis of “better luck next time” had an air of condescension that was unbecoming in any Biblical analysis. It may make for catchy a ending to an article, but that spirit of arrogance seems quite misplaced in a place that purports to be about instruction on Biblical instruction and analysis.
The insistence that a song, that is few minutes in length, fully address a complete explanation of the Gospel and explain, in detail, the root cause of a person’s sense of loneliness and brokenness is unfair and unreasonable. Would the author suggest that we reject a passage of Scripture if it doesn’t check all of those boxes? If so, much of the Book of Ecclesiastes, the Book of Job and many of the Psalms would have to be rejected as those passages don’t provide a full explanation of the Gospel, they don’t always explain the reason for the pain that a person feels and they even dare to refer to the Lord as “You” or “the One”.
Sadly, this review seems to communicate the message that is all too often attributed to the church — “broken people aren’t welcome”. This song meets a broken person where they are and encourages them to look to the One who loves them infinitely. It quotes directly from one of the most beloved Psalms when it quotes Psalm 23 (I would note that this song specifically mentions the Lord 3 times which is more than the two times that Psalm 23 does).
I am thankful that God gave Toby this awesome song to encourage His people..
Vince Wright
Thank you for your comments!
First, I want to apologize for my arrogance. I see what you are saying, as the end of my review makes it sound like I’m better than TobyMac. I can assure you, I am not. I shouldn’t have written that.
Second, I’ve changed a lot since I reviewed this song. I had a massive focus on the Gospel and forgot that there are other books in the Bible that deserve recognition, including Proverbs, Psalms, and yes, Ecclesiastes!
Third, I plan to re-review it without a heavy focus on the Gospel. Stay tuned for an update!
-Vince Wright
Jimmy Wilson
I appreciate your response and your humble attitude. Such a spirit is always winsome in any Biblical discussion and represents what we should be about within the Family of God.
I don’t know? If you just take one verse from Paul or Peter Etc… Then you can almost say the same thing. But if you know Toby Mac as a whole and his walk and his personality and all of his songs you don’t need to sit there and be legalistic. The man sings and searches for God in Jesus Christ. He loves Jesus and sings his heart out to him. The clinging and clanging of symbols don’t say words but they sing a beautiful song. You can find that in the Bible
Vince Wright
Thank you for your concern! Though I do not question the motives and intent of TobyMac’s heart, I do question his lyrics. If you disagree with me on my comment, then I would appreciate if you could direct your disagreement about what I wrote and show why I am mistaken.
I’m not sure what you mean by “clanging symbols”. If you’re referring to 1 Corinthians 13, then you’ve taken it out of context, which is about noise that is annoying and does nothing to show love. Hopefully, that wasn’t your Scripture verse.
-Vince Wright
Karen Holyfield
This is my favorite Toby Mac song. It TRULY helped to remind me of Whose I am. I gave my life to
God at seventeen and am now in my fifties, but when my dad passed away suddenly, I needed that reminder because I am flesh. I believe like all things and/or people that we need, Christ places them in our lives on time. Not ours, but His. We are all at different points in our walk with Christ, so I believe music, like ‘I Just Need You’ speaks to us where we are. It may mean nothing to someone because it is not meant for them at this time or maybe not at all. There has been Christian music in the past that I couldn’t connect with UNTIL I was meant to understand it. My sister who is older and much further in her walk then me loved the music I didn’t and questioned the music that spoke to me. I praise The Most High One that He provides for us our needs where we are standing.
Thanks for sharing! If this proves one thing, it is that God can use any song, despite my own views and opinions on it. Awesome to hear how God is using music to speak to others!
Teri Lane Jackson
Out of curiosity like the rest of you I too wondered about the three figures in the desert that joined TobyMac on the road and other things but I also think that his journey on the road with that briefcase sitting right next to him was about him traveling on the road my God has him on but looking at what he has that the world wants to give him once wants to give him instead the he thinks Maybe more satisfying bring him more well but then he remembers that no matter what the world is trying to give him what the enemy is trying to distract him with but he ultimately just needs Jesus now even though he doesn’t say Jesus doesn’t say God he does say he needs the Lord when he says I just need you Lord. I’m not going to speculate what Toby maxmotives ideas meanings definitions or anyting is behind the song I just need you all I know is when I hear it it reminds me of where my focus needs to be and that’s on Jesus and when I get here the words yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me that is only referring to God our heavenly father so if you forgot if you have heard the song but you bypass that listen to it again because he does sing parts of Psalms 23 which is my favorite song because a lot of times especially lately I feel like I’m walking through the valley of the shadow of death and those times I hear this song it brings me right back to where I really am and that is I’m in the presence of God no matter where I am and God is with me no matter whether the wolves are howling and growling and scratching at my door just waiting to get at me and try to rip me apart I know that my protector God in the person of Jesus will not let any weapon, any pho, any predator, any person or any entity have me because he is my sole protector. I could say a lot more on this and other songs of TobyMac’s but I’m just going to leave it at this, just because a Christian artist doesn’t speak the name of Jesus, use God’s name, or speak any other names that refer to Jesus such as Savior doesn’t mean that they are not songs of praise to bring Glory and Honor to God.
Thank you for your thoughts! It was really hard to read given that it was all in a single paragraph!
While I understand your perspective, the issue for me is clarity in communication. Especially when it comes to unbelievers’ interpretation.
I have a hard time with most of Toby Macs songs. I can’t recall any that actually say Jesus, Lord or God in it. I cannot stand “if you want to steal my show..”. Right there tells me who Toby is singing for.
Thanks for your feedback! That’s good to know for any future reviews. I’ll keep a keener eye out for that.
Lynn, I disagree. TobyMac even says as much that Steal My Show isn’t about him being a performer it’s about God being the one who has the spotlight. If you really listen to the words you’ll get it and if you still are convinced it’s solely about him check out the HITS DEEP Tour video recording in Louisiana which you can hear through YouTube where he talks about it. We all have individual lives which is “our show” which we can either choose to have the spotlight or attention on us or we can put the spotlight on God and let Him take it away. I like Steal My Show because it reminds me that I need to direct people toward God the Greatest Showman ever whose feets are astounding and literally out of this world.
Connie Bolding
As to the comments saying they can’t recall him saying Lord, Jesus, etc in any of his songs. There are several, including the song, LOVE BROKE THROUGH. Just wanted to assure there are mentions of LORD in his music.
Hi. I liked it. Had me praising looking up at the ceiling towards God and dancing around
– hopefully in a way that brings Glory to God who has won the battle. Amen. Thought the
video was interesting, had a moments horror when he set fire to the car in case that was sin because he could have given it to a car needing person! Of course music should lead the youth to Christ but you shouldn’t critique a persons work based on Scripture which is entirely different and in a class all on it’s own ! Whoever is not against us is for us —Mark 9:40. Clearly that song was for the Lord and the catchy music must appeal to youth who may then check out some others which the writer of the article seems to think have more Biblical lyrics. ?? cant say myself havn’t seen any all the way through yet. 9/10 from me !!!
I apologize for the late response! Somehow I missed this comment.
While I understand what you’re saying, the point of this website, The Berean Test, is to compare lyrics to Scripture. I realize that this can have…interesting consequences, but in this instance, I feel justified with my low rating.
Wabule Arlena
I am late but honestly when you listen to the song there are actually parts where he says ‘oh Lord I need you’. thanks anyway for your opinion and the research have a Lovely year
That is great to know, thanks!
Nicolette Botha
Would you please explain the music video?
It gives me a very eerie feeling?
The black robes, scene in the desert (secular celebrities use it to symbolize Luke 11:24)
Thank you
I hadn’t seen it until your comment! One thing I learned about music videos is that they often do not depict the same message given through audio alone. The video, in my humble opinion, is no exception.
First, the car seemed to represent man’s effort, destroyed at the end when tested by fire (see 1 Corinthians 3:10-15). I’m not actually certain about this one, but it’s the best I could come up with at around 11 PM at night.
Second, the three creepy-looking robed figures represent the three men who visited Abraham in Genesis 18:1-33. It depicts the LORD visiting Abraham in the form of these three men, perhaps an allusion to the Holy Trinity found in the Old Testament. This occurred in the desert, similar to Toby’s trek by car.
Third, the wolves are directly from the song’s chorus, depicting the troubles in this world.
It seems rather odd that Toby nonchalantly sings about how much he needs “You”, randomly receiving these creepy-looking robed figures that mysteriously enter his car for a short trip only to dispassionately destroy said car on fire with a random match found on the ground. Assuming I am right about these three depictions, they are a disjointed mess, without much relevance to the song itself. Not that should be surprising, most music videos I have seen follow suit. It’s part of why I stopped watching them altogether.
Nicolette Botha
Haha thank you for your input.
You are awesome!
I loved this song until I saw the video, artists tend to put subliminal messages in their music videos. (Not saying this is / is not one of them) – I’m just careful of what I worship with.
Thanks for a great “go to” website!!!
You are welcome! I appreciate your compliment and the opportunity to comment. I also praise your cautiousness.
May 2018 on his facebook page when he posted the video he briefly explains the video. The 3 “creepy” men, for instance, represent guardian angels…etc.
Vince Wright
Thanks for the update! Those were supposed to be guardian Angels? Ok.
-Vince Wright
I love Toby Mac, but googled this review just to see if there was anyone out there like me? Your review rang true. When I sing along, there are parts of it I do worship. When I’m up & when I’m down, I need God. When my feet hit the ground, I need Him. But the part that sticks is “When you pull me closer I come to life” doesn’t lead me to worship. It can be taken spiritually. When I think of Him, I do come to life. But most often it makes me think of flirty physical relationships. Maybe that’s more my fault. The majority of lyrics are spot on.
Thank you for your comments! Much appreciated.